Bates, Maddox, Marin and pain

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Most of you remember that usually I end up jumping the person who pisses me off. Well it wasn't me this time. Adrian jumped at Marin. I yelped falling back. Adrian seemed to go off like a gun. Adrian's claws shoved into Marin pushing him back. Marin fell back slamming his head. Adrian jumped off as soon as Marin fell back. Adrian's wolf was out; Marin seemed to smile as he got up with blood drawing from his arms.

"What? Little brother? Mad?" Marin teased. Adrian teased. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I was whipped into the middle. Cold steel was held against my skin. I growled out a threat. Adrian was facing me and his wolf seemed to be running only on rage. Adrian growled.

"You don't know why I'm here do you? Did you really think I cared about Bates? Or you? This stupid little girl is wanted by my Alpha Maddox. Heard of him?" Marin's crazed voice shouted. Rose jumped Marin from the back and my face slammed against the ground. I scrambled out from underneath Marin. Mors was standing watching Rose murder Marin.

Rose's wolf tore of the skin of Marin's face and threw it across the room. She tore at his chest and blood seeped into her paws and Marin's eyes lost everything. His neck was bent at an awkward angle and his chest was torn open like he was just in open-heart surgery. Rose jumped off of him. Her wolf's snout was covered in blood. She growled at Marin's body. She began to run. Mors wasted no time shifting and chasing after her. Adrian growled at me and he began to run. I rolled my eyes and the rest of us shifted and began to run.

I realized why they were so excited to run. Maddox's stench was too strong. I felt it deep in my gut. This was the end. It was either us or him this time.

Adrian must have called other pack wolves because the other wolves were running with us. I looked to my left seeing no familiar faces yet I felt so safe in the midst of my fellow pack wolves. I looked to my right and saw Helen and we ran like hell with our pack. There was a sort of communal power between a pack of wolves. My alpha was running ahead of all of us. My mate. I may have been powerful but he was basically omnipotent. He controlled all of the wolves near us. Adrian was next to Mors. Mors was almost as big as Adrian was. They towered over us all. Marcus stood behind the two leaders. We kept running.

Maddox's scent was growing stronger and more noticeable. I wanted to gag. I prodded to the front with the others. Mors must have called other rogues because looking behind us there was an uneasy mix of pack wolves and rogues. We were running until Adrian howled. I stood next to Adrian standing tall. His wolf towered over me like his human counterpart. He nuzzled my head affectionately. I bit his ear playfully. Through our communal mind link, his voice was as powerful as he was physically.

A man has threatened our pack. Our Luna. It ends today. It's over now. The fight will be one of pain and loss, but we will gain our name back. No mercy for any of them. At the end of this extremely short speech, he howled. As humans we needed a long speech about inspiration and battle worthiness, we wolves needed no such thing. A howl told the entire story. We were going to win. I joined my howl with Adrian's. The rest of the wolves joined in. We forced our way into the pack. There were wolves already there. They stood in a line in front of us. Our pack came to a gradual stop a few feet away from them. I shrunk behind Adrian at Maddox's face. It was twisted into a sickening smirk. He nudged me comfortingly then turned to face Maddox. Through a public link, we heard the argument go down.

Give us our Luna back

Over my dead body. She is MY Luna. No one will be stealing her any time. That wolf, that girl is mine.

She was mine first! She is mine!

She is mine rightfully. That woman is my girl. She is my mate. We were always fated to be. You either let this fanatical dream go or face the consequences.

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