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        I really want to say that it was a mistake and it was just Adrian trying to get into the room because I accidenly locked the door or something. But I'm never that lucky. I sort of figured. 

        Rogues streamed into the room. I shouted before my body immedieatly reacted and I reached out and snapped a man's neck with my hands as I twisted around throwing out various punches and kicks to different people. They were werewolves and me snapping that guys neck would just mean a crick in his neck when he woke up. But I've never had to kill anyone. 

        My wolf growled lowly and it split through my mouth. The rogues turned towards me their eyes greedy and I nearly screamed when they all jumped on me at once. I knocked the first one off of me before forcing myself to get out of that bunch.

        "ENOUGH!" A voice called out. I glared at the new strange voice. A man with thick brown hair spiked at the top of his head spoke with such careful articulation of each word. His eyes were a choclate brown that made me jealous. He swung his gaze over Helen, Rose and I. His eyes immediately caught on to Rose's. I knew instantly what was going on. 

        Rose's eyes sheened over with admiration as the man rushed towards her. 

        "MINE!" He growled out. His growl rang through the house. His arms were wrapped around her. I heard steps come from down the stairs but paid no attention to them as my gaze directed toward's my friends. 

        "W-What's your name?" She asked him, lightly pulling away from him to look him in the eyes.

        "My name is Mors. Mors Sheath"

        Even I knew who Mors was. Mors was the rouge that all packs feared. The rogue who had slaughtered packs alone and had then brought together hundreds of rogues together. I stepped away from him.  Mors was like the boogey man of the werewolf world. You did not screw around with Mors. It was told that he was sent straight from Satan in order to torment the moon goddess's creatures. It said that he was too evil to have a mate. They also said that he had once had a mate but killed her because he didn't know how to love and that she wasn't good enough for him. Adrian might've been the baddest Alpha ever but Mors was a rogue. Rogues were basically evil monsters that were banished or left their packs. Most were evil coniving b*tches. 

        I'm fairly certain that Rose knew the reputation that Mors had because she immediatily pushed herself away from him and ran towards me. I grabbed her and pushed her behind me. 

        "Touch her ever again and I will rip your arms out" He growled and his eyes were darkening. I heard Rose whimper as she shrunk deeper into my back. Helen stood next to me protecting Rose from the impending threat of these rogues tearing us apart. Well not Rose considering she's Mors's mate. 

        "You will do no such thing to my mate" Adrian's voice came from the side of me. I looked up and breathed a sigh of releif as Adrian's muslces tensed at the sight of Mors. He looked down at me.

        "Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded silently.

        "Then tell her not to touch my mate"

        "Rose?" He asked. He cocked an eyebrow at Rose. He signaled for her to come forward. I took her hand and walked with her up Adrian. 

        "Her. She is mine" Mors seethed. "And is she doesn't come with me, I will burn this house to the ground"

        "So she can die too?" Helen interjected.

        "I would take her with me" Mors eyes didn' move from Rose's figure. I turned towards her.

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