Hallmark moments

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        "W-what?" I stammered out. "I was..."

        "What? What were you doing? Who were you with, love? If I shouldn't be worried then you'd tell me right?" He questioned watching my face with unnerving concentration.

        "Brother calm yourself. She was with me" Bate's muscular arm practically weighed me down. 

        "Doesn't smell like you. And what were you doing with my mate."

        Yeah, Bates. What were you doing with me? I questioned in my mind.

        "A simple talk is all it was Adrian. Calm down"

        "Is this true Ellie?" Adrian's gaze swung over to me. Fear was roaring through his eyes. What would he be afraid of?

        "Yeah. It's ok Adrian" I calmed. "Let's go. I'm all sweaty and disgusting" I laughed.

        "Uh-huh" I got the feeling that he didn't believe me but he wouldn't ask more questions.

        "Race ya!" I laughed as I started running. My muscles screamed once more but I'll survive. Adrian laughed and he raced after me. Thank god. He beat me. Of course he beat me. I'm not totally sure what I was thinking when I thought I could win against an Alpha. I went to the bathroom in his room. I twisted the shower knob feeling the water on my hand. I shut the curtain and started stripping down slowly. I was completely naked and stood in front of the mirror waiting for the shower to get to the steamy temperature I wanted it to be at. Suddenly I was shoved against the counter. I looked up seeing Adrian's eyes set on me. They were dark and swirling with lust.

        His lips met mine easily. I kissed him back just as forcefully. He growled lightly showing off his dominance over this kiss. I began trailing my fingers to his gorgeous dark hair. I pulled lightly on the soft strands of hair. Mental reminder:ask him what type of shampoo and conditioner he uses to get soft hair. With every pull of his hair he growled lightly. He slowly let me drop completely to the counter. My legs were wrapped around him and my back was laid against the cold stone of the counter. I shivered ever so slightly at the cold kiss of the marble and leaned closer into this kiss that he was dominating.

         I moved against his area. He growled at me. I felt it grow underneath my touch. Maddox shot though my mind. I suddenly let him go. 

        "Wha?" He growled at me. 

        "I still need that shower" I laughed nervously. Fear was easy to hide with a little bit of humor. 

        "So you're going to leave me in this state for a shower?" He questioned. 

        "Enjoy it" 

        "You could help me sort it out." He winked at me. My heart fluttered at his stupid little comment.

        "Shut up and get out" I commanded. He held up his hands in a surrendering motion and I laughed as he closed the door.

        "Completely shut it" I called out noticing the small crevice he left open. I could see his eyes still peeking from the little strip of open door. I heard it close completely. I stepped into the warm embrace of the shower and the hot water running down my back. I began humming softly as I searched through the little steps of the shower for the shampoo and conditioner that kept his hair ever so soft. I found it. 

        "You're joking" I mumbled to myself staring at the bottles. "Forget it" A bottle of the little kid baby soap stared back up at me as I held it up. I put it back. Suddenly a bottle of shampoo and conditioner caught my eyes. On the other side of the bathroom. Near the window.      

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