Ice cream

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         Maddox made  his way towards me. I ran towards the back. I sent a look towards Helen and Rose.  Pushing myself into the present pack members minds, I told them to get out immediately. While Maddox took his time coming towards me, the pack left the house. I was the only one left in it.  Thankfully Helen, Rose and the rest of the pack was out of danger's way. Me? I was staring at it.

        "Oh? Look at that! They left you" Maddox grinned.

        I said nothing. Letting him gloat meant more time for me to get out of this.

        "What? Nothing? No snide remarks? No sarcasm? Come on! I missed that about you. Always having somethin to say."

        "Sorry" I sneered at him. "I don't waste my breath on low-life scum like you"

        "Ah...there it is" Maddox had reached me. I stood in the middle of the room refusing to back down. The top of my head touched the top of his chest. He took a step closer until all of me was touching him.

        "Get away from me" I seethed.

        "Aw. Come on dear. Surely not"

        "I mean it. Why are you here?!"

        "I need you back" Maddox's quiet voice slipped over mine like a blanket. " I want you by my side." 


        "I need you."

        "She doesn't need you" A voice called out. Rose stood at the doorway.

        "I told you to go outside!" I screamed at her.

        "Well I did. And now I'm back in here" She said evenly. Her gaze never swayed from Maddox who refused to turn towards her. 

        "Ellie." Maddox simply stated.

        "Maddox...." I started.        

        "Ellie" He repeated.

        "Maddox. No. I can't"

        "You're lying. You're lying to yourself" He reprimanded. It sounded as if he was comforting himself with his words.

        "No. I have a mate" I spoke quietly. I placed a reassuring hand on his cheek as I had done years and years ago. 

        He turned into my hand and pressed me against him. I shivered at his cold touch. I removed my hand.  

        "Get away from her!" A male voice swept over me. Adrian.

        "What are you going to do?" Maddox sneered pulling me behind him. I forced myself to get out of his touch. I started my way towards Adrian. 

        Maddox grabbed me too quickly and pulled me into his chest. Suddenly cold steel pressed against my throat. I froze. I hate my life.

        "Leave her alone" Adrian yelled taking a step closer. 

        "Maddox. Stop it. Let  me go"

        "Aww come on Ellie. Didn't we talk about what happens when you tel me to let go" Unwanted memories began to rise. I forced them down. 

        "Maddox. Don't-" I started. 

        "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT PROVOKING ME?!" Maddox screamed at me. I flinched. Adrian stared looking conflicted wether or not to save me and risk me getting hurt or let this play out.  

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