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I reached them in a matter of minutes which is pretty good considering it's like 5 miles. I was all sweaty and nasty by the time I got there. I shifted back into my human form. And I just want to clear something up. WE ARE NOT NAKED WHEN WE SHIFT BACK AND FORTH. No I don't know where the clothes go. I just know I'm not naked when I shift back. 

        I walked slowly to Henry and Alan's side. Henry payed me no attention. Alan gripped my hand. I squeezed it for comfort. As a pack memeber, I found comfort in my Alpha.  I searched the group of men in front of me. I found Helen in the middle of them. She was unconcious thown over some man's shoulder like a sack of flour. A growl slipped from my lips. 

     Alan and Henry shot me a grave look. I winced underneath their gazes. One I could take. But both of them and the warriors behind me were too much.  I extended my neck to Alan, showing my submission.  He glanced at it. He turned away. I looked back at the group in front of us.

              The man standing in front of everyone was obviously the alpha. He was tall. Like super tall. I mean everyone was tall to me because I was only 5'2 but he was like 9 feet tall. He had pitch black hair like mine. His eyes were a cold blue color. Nothing like mine which were a deep dark  . . . black. Well dark brown but still very close to black. His face was angular and had high cheek bones that made him even more attractive. Wait attractive? NO! Anyway he was fat. Well okay. Maybe not fat. But he was big. He had arms and legs that were twined with muscle. Like a lot of muscle. Like he was ripped. Through his white shirt I could see his abs clearly. 

      My glorious wolf decided it was time to talk to me.Yes. My wolf talks to me. We talk to each other. It's like two spirits in one body. Well two but  . . .never mind. I called her Ava just so I could call her something.

             He's gorgeous. 

           No he's not now I need to focus. Shut up. 

  The other men were all attractive too. They stood straight and tall like soldiers. Most of them looked like they could easily take Alan in a fight. Or Henry. Or unfortunately me. What worrie me the most was that if they could take us on. Then they could kill Helen. Easily. 

             "Adrian" Alan took my place in the middle and stepped forward. My eyes trained on the lead man. 

            "Alan" The lead man said. 

           "May I know the reason for you terrorizing my pack. And nearly killing my-" Henry and I both shoved out elbows into his side at the same time to get him to shut up. As much as we both wanted to insult and ask them ourselves, he was being rude to a more powerful alpha. That could mean death. The other alpha glowered at him. The power off of him radiated towards. I was stunned by the amount of power he held in his aura. See for werewolves auras are visible and scary as hell.

              "You have something of mine"

               "I assure you Alpha, we have nothing of yours." Henry answered as I held Alan's hands. He held onto me for protection. I didn't blame him. Alphas were meant for comfort and leadership. Warriors were for protection. Betas were for wisdom. 

                "Do you think I am dishonest?" Adrian growled at Henry. I sighed. My turn. I pushed myself forward, shoving Henry towards Alan. Everyone's attention was on me. I took a staggering breath. I took a quick dare to look up into Adrian's eyes. 

                   "Alpha. Please tell us what we have of yours. We will gladly give it to you. However we believe have the right to know why you attacked us.. . " I trailed off hoping he understood. Also that I didn't screw this up. I looked down. He growled at me. I straightened immediately. 

                    "I attacked you for my own reasons that you don't need to know" 

                    "GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!" Henry yelled. Adrian turned towards him and glared at him. Henry looked down and mumbled his apologies.

                     "May we have our pack member back?" I asked shyly.

                   "How old are you?" 

                   "I'm turning 18 at midnight"  I answered truthfully. 

                 "WAIT WHAT"Alan yelled out.

                 "Seriously?" Henry yelled.

              The warriors were yelling their questions towards me. No one knew my birthday. I had made sure of that. I didn't need my birthday celebrated. I didn't want to. 

            "You tell a complete stranger and not us?" Henry yelled. 

          "Wow Ellie. Thanks. Great how am I supposed to get a party started in a few hours?! Thanks a lot Ellie" Alan sarcastically added. 

        "I wasn't expecting one!" I defended myself.

        "WOW THANKS A BUNCH" Alan and Henry screamed at me. I winced. 

             "Silence" The man holding Helen yelled. He began wrapping his arms around her neck.  Everyone fell silent instantaneously. No way was Helen going to die while I was alive. 

              "So you are currently 17?"

              "Yes Alpha" He frowned at me. What did I do wrong? 

             "So in approximately a few minutes you will be 18. Old enough to find your mate correct?" 

             "Yes sir"

             "I have what I came here for." He said suddenly. 

            "What? . . . If you don't mind me asking" I added nervously.

           "My beta's mate." 

            "You mean Helen?" 

             "Now you know her name Marcus" 

             'Marcus' smiled. He was the man holding onto Helen. 

            "You can't take her away from us!" I screamed out. "She's my best friend!" 

           "I can do whatever I please, little girl"

           "I am not little." I answered automatically. 

            Suddenly the warriors broke out into song. 

        Happy birthday to you

       Happy birthday to you 

     Happy birthday dear Ellie

     Happy birthday to you

   "Aww thanks guys" I smiled at them. THe men oppisite of us, just stared expectantly. Sebastian looked at me expantantly as if he knew something I didn't. I turned away from him and set my eyes on Alan and the rest of the warriors. 

    Suddenly the most delicious scent filled my nose. It was a mix of lemongrass and sage. It was a wonderful smell. I took another sniff of it. I took a long whiff of it.

        "Ellie?" Alan asked me worriedly. "Are you alright?" 

        "Mhm just give me a 'sec." 

         I followed the scent into the eyes of my mate. Adrian. Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack. Deystroyer of my pack. 

             Okay so here's my chapter two. So enjoy! VOTE COMMENT FAN! CAN WE GET AT LEAST FIVE VOTES FOR CHAPTER THREE?

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