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        "Isn't that that guy's name?" Bates turned towards Adrian. "Are you bullshitting me right now?" 

       "What's his name?" Adrian growled out.

        "Maddox. Maddox Williams"

        "You're kidding with me" I groaned turning around in disbelief.

        "What? What is the big deal?" She snapped.

        "'That little sister was the sociopath I was telling you about on the phone" Bates snapped right back.


        "Yes really" Adrian roared. "Are you going to see him anytime soon?"

        "Yea.  Tomorrow night actually"

        "You're going and then I'm going to kill him myself." Adrian growled. "He is not screwing my mate and my sister over. "

        "Oh it's fine brother. I'll do it.  No sweat. Put me in danger no big deal."

        "Let me do it" I spoke up. "He'd want to see me"

        "No. No way in hell" Adrian growled. "I will strap you to a chair and leave you there if you even try"

        "Then let me at least come. I get that much considering how much I've been screwed over by him. I want to talk to him myself"

        "You won't be getting in 30 feet of him much less talking to him" Adrian growled.

        "Slow down horsie. Ever hear that curiosity killed the cat?" Bates sneered at me. I glared at him.

        "And knowledge brought the cat back" I countered. "I have the right to come" 

        "No. You have the right to stay here and out of danger"

       "And why not?" I tilted my head to the side cocking my hip to the side.

        "Because I have the right to keep you safe.. It's my job El" Adrian's use of my shortened name sent shudders through my back.

        "Yeah. You're right. But keeping me safe doesn't necessarily mean not being there. I won't be in danger"

        "What are you stupid?" Adrian roared at me. I winced. "You think I'm letting you run back to your ex like the little whore you are. You are wrong. You're not getting anywhere near him and if I even catch you trying to come-"

        "Did you just call her a whore? And stupid?"  Clary asked. I was stunned too. 

        "What? No. That's not the point-"

        "No. No.  No, I got it. So I'm just a stupid whore that you call up every time you need a booty call right?" I shouted at him. "Alright I understand completely now. I get that apparently as your mate I get to sit around and let you control my life. Let you go in danger without me even knowing. What else you want me to be an obedient little minx too?" 

        "No. That's not-"

        "Yes. It was exactly what you were saying. I got it. It's fine. Whatever. I'm not going to go" 

        "Ellie..." Adrian trailed off.

        "Nope. Forget it"

        "Ellie please don't be mad."

        "Why oh why would I be mad? I wonder?" I shouted loudly. Even Bates and Clary winced.

        "Ellie. I didn't mean it."

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