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Adrian was awfully close to me. Like I'm about to chain you to a wall until you tell every little secret in your head close.

"Ellie. Do you want to explain right now what this is about?" Adrian's voice was low and cool washing over me quickly. I backed away a bit fearing for you know ultimate death.

"Not really" I whispered out.

"Oh? So did you ever actually plan on telling me?"

"Not really. Kinda slipped out" I told him honestly. His grip on me tightened. I winced slightly.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Someone yelled out. Adrian was pulled away from me . I gasped when I saw a human boy punch Adrian in the face. Adrian let out the most un-human like growl. Considering we were in front of humans. The boy didn't move.

"What do you think you're doing?" Adrian spoke in a low voice.

"You don't treat a lady like that man. It ain't cool"

"Who says I care? She's mine"

"Dude she's her own person back off"

This guy was pretty brave if I do say so myself. He was tall as Adrian less muscle but still really freaking brave.

"She is-"

"I'm fine. Really. Thank you but we argue all the time." I told the boy. I stuck my hand out nevertheless. "I'm Ellie"

"I'm Jackson. Nice to meet you Ellie. "

"Same to you."

"Thanks. If you're done, I'd like to get back to my date with my girlfriend"

Jackson sent me a warning look. His intentions were clear. If you need help, I'll save you. I nodded at him. He left.

"Can we please get back to our date?" I asked. "We can talk about this some other day."

"I wanted to spend this time with you normally so okay. But as we get back to the pack, We are discussing this"


I guess it was acceptable in a way. I mean I wanted to enjoy this and he wanted to fight with me so...

"Where were we exactly?" I smiled at him. It sure as heck wasn't going to be easy to persuade him to forget but I could totally do it.

"You were eating"

"Oh why don't we watch the movie?" I asked. He sighed leaning down on the blanket next to me. He moved leaning down near me. I laid down on his shoulder as he hit the button to press play. We sat like that for the entire movie silently. Maybe he forgot you know? Maybe by the end of this weekend it'll never come up again.


"Yeah?" I answered. We were in the middle of the movie where Jake and Neyitri were watching the trees get cut down.

"I'm sorry, if I scared you. It's just the thought of something like that happening to you gets me so angry. And you didn't even tell me at all makes me think you don't trust me and that someone else touched you like that just makes me well...want to go on a rampage"

"Adrian. Do you want me to just tell you about it now?" I knew it. I knew it. He wasn't going to forget but his speeches are just so good and cliche and just so damn hard to fight with. He nodded.

"You're not going to go around and kill anyone right?" I asked. He gave out a small chuckle. "No. Really. I'm being serious"

"Alright I'll try not to kill anyone" I raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes. "I won't go and kill anyone"

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