Rose and Mors

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"Who are you talking about?" Madison's irritating voice spoke out.

"get out of here Madison."

I growled at her. She freaked and ran.

"This is what happens when you cheat" I scolded him leaving him standing there.

"Rose says hi." He told me. I turned around.

"you've talked to her?"

"Yeah. I haven't talked to her in a while though."

"H-how is she?" I asked. Rose wasn't here and he was my only connection to her right now.

"she's not happy"

"Why not? She's with her mate"

"Her mate's an ass. He locked her in her room for a week. No food or water."

"poor Rose" I muttered. Mors had seemed like he wanted her. Now? I wasn't so sure.

"Did you know that Bates is in love with her?" Adrian asked taking my hand. I retched it out of his hand. He was going to wait until he was really forgiven. He looked slightly hurt but happy we were talking. Helen had already went up.


"Well you do now" A tired familiar voice spoke. I whirled around seeing Rose's dirt stained face. Someone screamed and grabbed Rose. Clary was hugging Rose.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much girl!" Clary screamed hugging her tightly..

"Same girl!" Rose laughed hugging Clary. I hugged Rose tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Clary asked. "I thought your mate was a tight ass"

"Well...uh...I kinda left. Without him knowing"

"You ran away?" I asked, frowning. "I thought you liked him"

"He hates me. Legitimately. Yeah. he marked me just because he was mad at me."

"So your all-powerful leader, scary, devil mate doesn't know you're here"

"Not yet" She laughed. It was a tired laugh.

"we are going to celebrate your untimely escape now"Clary laughed grabbing her hand. "Meet us in the lobby tonight. We're going to the club again.'

"absolutely not. Ellie isn't going again"

"You can come too then. Watch over her" Clary teased. "We are all going though"

Clary dragged Rose away whispering like best friends.

"Come on. We can go. We're just going to have a little fun without getting drunk and dancing for people"

"So we are going to the club, but with you this time"

"Ellie. I am so sorry about what I did. I would do anything for you to forgive me. Even going to a stupid club. I'm already in love with you. I feel bad for Rose and her mate and I don't ever want that to happen to us. I want you. I'm so stupid and wrong and I need you to forgive me. You are beautiful and smart and fierce and so so so strong. I was always that cold mean devil Alpha. But ever since you none of the packs have said anything like that to me again. It's amazing really that you can change me so much. And I'm already in love with you."

"Oh gosh Adrian." I laid my hand on his cheek pulling his face down to meet mine. "I am totally completely in love with you" I kissed him softly. He took control kissing me hard. I grabbed onto his shoulder as he pulled me up around his waist softly. I threw my head back as he kissed my neck.

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