Family things

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To say my wolf was mad was an understatement. I practically wanted to rip everyone to shred but I had some self control. BANG! Okay so maybe not a lot of self control. A pot had just smacked into the wall creating a dent. I took a few deep breaths letting out some anger with every breath. 

        "Ellie?" Adrian walked in. 


        "Are you ok?"

        "HOW COULD SHE?! You're supposed to be my mate but she keeps testing me-"

        Adrian came towards me pressing his entire being in front of mine. As if knowing exactly what I needed he hugged me tightly to his chest. My chest racked with sobs. It wasn't even because of Caroline's fight with me. It was Maddox's stupid intrusion of my life. For every emotion I had held in myself since the moment parents died on Wickory bridge. I hadn't even cried at my parent's funeral but here I am standing in a kitchen just bawling. 

        Adrian smoothed my hair whispering sweet nothings in my ear. He hugged me letting my emotions run willd. I hate crying so much but I just needed this. I'm not sure how long we stood like that but I pulled away when there were no tears in my eyes. There was a wet spot on his t-shirt. I sniffled wiping my nose quickly. 

        "Sorry about your shirt" I sniffed. He looked down at me worriedly.

        "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded.

        "It's not even noon yet" I laughed. "And I've already gotten into a fight and cried."

        "I'd say it was very productive"

        "Oh how so?" I asked.

        "I mean I got to make out with you this morning. That's pretty damn great." I laughed and kissed him. He pulled away to grin at me.

        "Part 2? No interuptions?" 


       He let go of me. I stood there confused. He yelled out the open door.

        "DON'T BOTHER US UNLESS SOMEONE'S IS DYING" WIth that he slammed the door. He grinned at me. Adrian ran towards me and swept me off my feet. I laughed as he practically ran up the stairs.

        "Eager much?" I asked him. 

        "Very much." He dropped me on the bed. He climbed onto the bed where I lay and pressed both his hands on either side of my head while having his lower body pressed down on me so I couldn't move. 

        "God you're gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?" He spoke in such a low tone that I shivered slightly. He bent and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back giving into my arms wants. I reached up and pulled his head down to reach my mouth. 

        "No. I'm in charge" He growled pulling away from my arms. I pouted before letting my arms fall to my side. He kissed me once more his mouth covering mine. He slowly trailed down my neck. None of his kisses were sloppy. They were all neat and pressed strategically on my neck. I held in my moans as he trailed down my neck and then going on the other side. He pressed down softly on where my Mark would go .

        For those who don't know a mark is a way for male wolves to show off that their mate is well their mate. It's a guy thing that I don't know about. 

        I moaned loudly as he sucked on that area. Pleasure coursed through me as he flicked his tongue there obviously that's going to leave a mark if he doesn't actually mark me. He moved away from that area. I whimpered wanting his mouth there once more. 

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