Meeting Toothless

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Astrid's POV

That's when I saw it.

Hiccup was walking towards a cave and I saw a Night Fury. I thought they were just myths. I was in shocked for a couple seconds. Once I was able to come back to reality I saw the black dragon walking towards Hiccup. 

I need to save him. I thought. 

I grabbed my axe and came out from behind the tree. 

"Hiccup! Get down!" I yelled ready to fight the dragon. 

 Hiccup's POV. 

I hear someone call my name 

"Hiccup! Get down!" Astrid yells with her axe ready

"Astrid!? Oh gods."

Toothless jumps in front of me. I yell at him to stand down. I run in front of Astrid and throw away her axe. I get up so I can stand in between the blonde and black dragon.

"No, no it's ok..... she's a friend. You Just scared him!"

"I scared him?..... Who is him?" 

"Astrid, Toothless....... Toothless, Astrid" I introduce. Toothless growls at Astrid

Astrid shakes her head in disbelief then turns and runs away treating to expose him. 

"Dat, dat, da we're dead."Toothless turns and walks away like nothing happened.  

Wha... What were do you think your going?" I call after my dragon

I get on Toothless and fly after Astrid.

Astrid's POV

I am in shock. I turn away and start to run toward the village not sure what else to do.

(watch video below)

"It's amazing . he's amazing. What are you going to do now? What if someone finds him? Do you have any idea what the others would do?"

"I know Astrid. I need a little more time to think about what to do with him. Please don't tell anyone especially my father."

"I wont I promise." (Punches Hiccup in the shoulder) "That's for kidnapping me" (kisses him on the cheek)"And that's for everything else"

I run away and head back to the village. Once I get to my house I go to my room and remember that I left my axe in the cove

I will just get I tomorrow

<<<<<<<<<Time Skip>>>>>>>>>>

It has been a little less than a year since I've meet Toothless. We have made a pretty good bond. Hiccup takes me flying all the time. One day I asked I could get my own dragon and I did.

One day when we were exploring we came across an injured blue and yellow Deadly Nadder. Hiccup was about do his little hand thing when I stopped him and told him I wanted to try. I slowly walked up to the dragon with my hand out. She calmed down closed her eyes and put her nose to my hand. I was so happy. Hiccup was able to find out what was wrong. She had a sprained wing but soon enough she was back and flying like normal. I decided to call her Stormfly. 

The four of us go flying almost every other day. Thanks to the dragons me and Hiccup have gotten closer but in the village we pretend that we don't care for each other at least I don't care for him. Other than that it was been the best year of my life. But something would soon cause me to let go of the boy I have grown to love.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now