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This chapter takes place at the same time as the last one when Hiccup meets Jack

Stoick's POV

I wake up this morning and remember that I didn't see Hiccup last night so I walk upstairs to his room and knock on the door. Silence. I knock again. When he doesn't answer. I open the door. He is gone. I know Hiccup comes and goes as he wants but this is different.

I run down stairs and go over to the blacksmith shop. 

"Gobber has Hiccup come by yet?"

"No. I told him yesterday not to 'cause he today he is going to kill the Nightmare today. Why?"

"He wasn't in his room this morning and I didn't see him last night."

Gobber was about to say something when I heard shouting. 

"Chief, chief! Stoick!" "Hiccup....dragon.......black sand!!"I turn and see Astrid running. Camicazi and Fishlegs go up to her and try to help her calm down.

"Woah...Astrid calm down" "Take a deep breath" The two other teens say

"Astrid whats wrong?" I ask

"It's Hiccup" She said out of breath

"Where is he?"

I follow Astrid who is running through the woods. Gobber and the other teens and a few other vikings were right behind us. Astrid leads us to a clearing. Then kneels down and picks up a knife and hands it to me. It says 'HHHIII' his initials.

"What happened?" I ask without turning to her

"I was practicing my axe throwing when I heard a scream. I followed the noise and I came to this clearing. I saw a Night Fury protecting Hiccup from a man that seemed to be made out of black sand."

"Why didn't you help?!"

"I tried to but I was knocked unconscious by this 'man'. The last thing I remember was the dragon bringing me over to a safe spot them went back to fighting. I'm so sorry Chief"

I get up and turn to her."This is your fault! Your fault my son is gone! You are supposed to be a warrior! You are not worthy of the Hofferson name." I yell. 

Astrid is shocked and scared. Gobber stands in front of her. "Don't you yell at her Stoick! You don't tell this lass that she isn't worthy of her name. She tried saving you son so did that dragon. You can not hold her responsible when half the time you couldn't protect Hiccup either!!!" I am shocked so is everyone else. I know he is right though. I couldn't protect him. 

I fall to the ground. "Astrid" I reach out to her ".... I'm sorry. Gobber is right. I couldn't protect him. You tried your best it's not your fault." She comes over to me

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more." she hugs me. We stay like that for a little bit. When I stand up I see that Astrid is trying hard not to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder. I turn to everyone else.

"Everyone go back to the village and try to get some rest. We will gather in the Great Hall later today to figure out what to do. Astrid, Gobber I would like to speak to you."

We all head back to the village. Me, Astrid, and Gobber make our way to my house. When I walk in it feels empty. I have always had another person with me. First it was my wife Valka and then after she died it was me and Hiccup. Even though, the house is big and only one other person it felt fine it never felt to big. Now as I walk in it feels to big and lonely. 

Gobber closes the door. "Once again I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you Astrid."

"It's alright chief. You lost you son."

I nod. Gobber speaks up "What now? The news is has probably already spread throughout the village like wildfire. What are we going to do about the tournament?"

"Gobber, the dragon killing event is my least concern now. Astrid, you said there was black sand, right?"

"Yes. I was knocked out pretty quickly but it was like a shadow and I think there might have been a man standing in the middle of it."

I realize who she is talking about. I looked at Gobber. The color had drained from his face. 


Sorry for the short chapter. 

Just so you aren't confused. Astrid had an unfortunate run in with Pitch earlier that morning. He made a threat about Hiccup so Astrid decided to make up the story where Pitch killed him thinking that since he threatened Hiccup she might as well pin Hiccup's "death" on him too.

Hope you're enjoying. 😀

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now