Telling Stoick

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Cami's POV

It has been a couple days since we returned to Berk and almost three weeks since Astrid left. I told Stoick that Astrid was finishing up some business with the Mala and Atalie. Tomorrow will mark three years since Hiccup was "killed". I have the letter that Astrid gave to me explaining everything over the past four years about Hiccup. 

I was in the arena with the gang discussing what to do about tomorrow.

"Ok we start yet?" Snotlout complained.

"No we need to wait for Fishlegs. He is still patrolling the island." Since we got back we have been taking turns patrolling Berk in case Hiccup came back early if he comes back at all. 

"Hey here comes Fishlegs." Tuffnut calls as the viking lands.

"So?" I ask

"Nothing. Based on the fact that Hiccup hasn't responded to any of our letters I don't think he's coming back."

"Can we please go over the plan. I want to get my beauty sleep" Snotlout complains

"No matter how much beauty sleep you get Snotlout it won't help. It never has so why should it now?" Tuffnut said. I laugh and smile at him. He drapes his arm over me and kisses my cheek.

"God can't you two get a room?" Ruffnut said disgusted by our flirting.

"Whatever can we please figure out what we are doing?" Snotlout said

 "Well me and Cami are going to deliver the note to Stoick in the morning." Fishlegs answers

"That means the three of you are going to be patrolling the island looking for any signs of Hiccup" 

"Why do I have to patrol? Hiccup was my cousin I want to give the letter to Stoick."

"Astrid asked me and Fishlegs to."


"Because that's what Hiccup would have wanted. He would have asked for Astrid Cami and Fishlegs to do it. You were nowhere near winning cousin of the year award." Ruffnut answers 

"Guys pay attention! Fine, Snotlout. you can come with us to give the letter to Stoick but let Fishlegs and me do the talking. Ok?" He nods.

"Ruff, Tuff can you guys handle patrol tomorrow morning? We can meet in the cove later in the day." They nod.

"Hey Cami can I talk to you?" Fighlegs comes over to me.

"Sure." I look at the others. "We'll catch up you guys." I walk over to the back of the arena with Fishlegs. "What's up?"

"When we tell Stoick, how do you think he will react? I mean it's bad enough that Hiccup left but now that he won't return any of our letters. Not to mention that Astrid left to find him and she is now supposed to be the next chief...."

I cut him off. "Hey calm down. Stoick might be intimidating but he has a softer side to him. We all saw it when Astrid told everyone that Hiccup died. The most we can do is hope, I guess. Plus I already have a letter ready to be sent to Astrid if things get out of hand."

I recently got a Terror Mail from Astrid saying where she is. I was happy that she found someplace safe and other people that can help her. Fishlegs was astonishing by the fact that she found a new dragon and not just any a Night Fury. The twins and Snotlout were shocked by her artistic skills. 

Fishlegs nods to me and we go catch up with the gang. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>Next Day<<<<<<<<<<<<

I wake up and get dressed. I walk outside and meet the gang in the Great Hall.

"Fishlegs, Snotlout lets go over to the chief's house. Twins you're on patrol."

"Good luck you guys" Tuffnut said.

"Thanks. We need it" Fishlegs mumbles

We walk over to the other side of the village. I see Stoick talking with Gobber.

"Uh... chief can we talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." He said looking at me.

"Privately?" Fishlegs adds

"Sure let's go to my  house." We walk to his house and Stoick closes the door behind us. "What do you need?"

"It's more of what you need need to know" Fishlegs hands the letter to Stoick. 

Stoick POV

Fishlegs hands me a letter. I look at it and glance at the three teens. 

"It's from Astrid about Hiccup" Camicazi simply says.

To Stoick,

I am so sorry you had to find out this way but it's what's Hiccup wants. The story I told you about Hiccup's death is fake. Hiccup never died. 

I followed Hiccup to the cove one day and saw that he had made friends with a Night Fury he called Toothless. I was running back to the village and was planning to tell you when they caught me. I was dropped in a tree. Hiccup and Toothless changed my mind about dragons that day. From that day further we had become close friends again. 

I found Stormfly injured one day that is true but I already changed my mind about dragons. Hiccup showed me how to gain a dragon's trust. We were 14 at the time; one year before dragon training. 

When me and the other teens were placed into dragon training me and Hiccup came up with a plan for Cami to win. Clearly that didn't work. Hiccup decided to run away. He asked me not to tell anyone. He said it was for the best. He didn't think he could change anyone's mind. I came up with story about Hiccup and man with the black sand threatened Hiccup the morning I said he was dead. Hiccup promised to come back the same day he left three years later.

During this time I have been contacting with him writing letters back and forth. He has a base somewhere. I don't know where it is. We have search all over and haven't found it.  A couple months ago I wrote to him but never got a response. Then one of my letters came back to me. 

I do not think Hiccup is dead but I also don't think he is coming back to Berk. Whenever I think about the song Valka used to sing to me Hiccup I feel his presence. I have gone to look for him. 

Please do not take your anger out on the others they didn't know either. I told them a little bit after Hiccup's "funeral". I asked them not to say anything. If you need more of an explanation I don't blame you. Send me a letter and I will come right back. 

I am so sorry about this. 

Astrid Hofferson

After reading the letter I feel numb. For the past three years I thought my only son was dead. I don't know what to say. 

"Hiccup is alive." was all I could make come out of my mouth. 

"We are so sorry everything Chief" Camicazi said to me.

"I can't believe this. This is all my fault. I made him run away."

"Astrid is out looking for Hiccup. She is sure that he's still alive even though he hasn't write back. If anyone can find him she can."

"And she will" Snotlout said confidently.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now