What Now?

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Hiccup's POV

It has been two years since I've meet Jack, Elsa Punzie and Merida. Jack and Elsa have started dating. Punzie is happy as ever single. Me and Merida? I'm not to sure what is happening between us. According to Punzie Merida likes me but I'm don't know how I feel towards her. I honestly still like Astrid and I can tell she feels the same to me through her letters but I kind of like Merida.

"AHH!! What am I going to do?!" I shout when talking to Jack

"About what?"

"Astrid and Mer. I still like Astrid and Merida likes me but I'm not sure how to feel about that."

"Chill. Think about it. Isn't it time to let Astrid go? I mean you haven't seen her in about two years. Merida lives right next to you and you see her everyday."

"I don't know Jack." I rub my face

"Hiccup!! You got two T-mails. One from Astrid and another from..... There is no name on the second one." Elsa shouts

"Ok I am coming" I get up and and head to the center of the base. 

"Hey Els, Hi Punzie. Where's Mer?" I greet the girls.

"Out practicing her aim. After the last attack when she missed Ryker and let him get away she has been out there for hours on end" Punzie explain handing me the letters.

Over the year a new enemy has shown up. Viggo and Ryker Grimborn. They are the leaders of the Dragon Hunters. Merida tried hitting Ryker in the arm to disable him in order to stop him from getting away but missed due to another group of dragon riders. A Deadly Nadder, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Hideous Zippleback, and Gronckle and a Raincutter. 

All of the dragons have odd colorings that don't match their species. It's almost like an armor for the dragons. It covers the whole body so you have no idea what the real color is. The Nadder has golden brown scales. The Nightmare has blue and yellow scales while the Zippleback has orange red scales. The Raincutter has a green scales and the Gronckle has bluish purple scales. 

The dragons aren't the only things that are weird. This group of riders also fight differently. They fight in silence. The riders use hand signals to communicate with each other and their dragons. A few of them speak in growls. They also wear armor made from dragon scales. Some of the outfits match the dragons and some don't. If they were to go into a crowd with their dragons and without their armor on I wouldn't know it would be them. 

"I'm here. So who are the letter's from?" Merida askes coming in.

"Astrid. I will read her's later. And the second one I have no idea." I open it.

My Dear Hiccup,

You are a such worthy opponent to fight. I have to admit I love our little battles and you and your group put up a great fight. That is until the other riders come in of course.

Let me get to the chase. You stop corresponding with Astrid Hofferson and don't go back to Berk next year, I will leave you, your friends, and the dragons alone and you won't have to deal with me again. If you don't agree or if I hear that you are corresponding with Astrid and the other dragon riders... Well I assume you know the rest. I don't think that you are the type of person to bring harm to your friends even if they are far away

I give you my best regards and hope you pick the right choice. 

Also please do tell Merida better luck next time and that she needs to learn how to focus like the girl on the Nadder from the other group.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now