Honoring Hiccup

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Two days after Astrid tells Stoick that Hiccup is dead

Astrid's POV

Today is the funeral for Hiccup. I have no idea how to feel. I know that he isn't dead but it still feels that way. 

Stoick and Gobber are taking it the hardest. Even though Hiccup and his dad didn't have the best relationship he was his son and I remember many times when they got along. Hiccup was also Gobber's apprentice and Gobber kind of became that father figure to him that Hiccup didn't always have. 

Snotlout had also taken the news quite hard. He wouldn't come out of his room for a whole day. I took me, Cami and his dad to drag him out of his room. Literally. Snotlout wasn't the best cousin. Ok that was kind of an understatement. He would tease Hiccup about being too skinny (I never understood this. Astrid and the Twins are just as skinny as Hiccup but ok...) He always said that Hiccup would never become chief cause Hiccup was 'Hiccup the useless' 'a talking fishbone'. However, he did try to protect Hiccup in his own weird way so I guess Snotlout did care about him. 

"Snotlout lets go. Walk faster" Ruffnut yelled at him "Why must you be such a slug?"

"Ruffnut leave him alone" Fishlegs said

I walk up to Snotlout "It's ok. We all miss him"

"I was a horrible cousin, Astrid. HORRIBLE!!"

"Sure you were" He gives me a look

"Look just cause he's gone doesn't mean you can't turn around. Right?" Fishlegs says coming up behind me. 

"I guess" 

"Now lets go before Stoick kills us for being late." We run to the beach where my parents' funeral was held. Snotlout stands in the front row next to his dad and other family members. Me the rest of the teens move off to the side. 

"Astrid I want you to stand next to me." I look up and Stoick is holding out a bow. "You were my son's closest friend growing up and you tried to save him." I nod and take the bow. I make my way next to the Chief. 

"There do I see my father, my mother, and my brothers and my sisters. They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla... where the brave shall live forever." (Anyone know where this came from?) When Gobber finishes we light our arrows and shoot. We all stand still for a moment of silence as we watch Hiccup's boat float way in flames.

"Everyone go back home and try to get some rest. There will be a meeting in the Great Hall later." Stoick announces with tears in his eyes

>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip<<<<<<<<<<<<

Later that night the whole tribe is gathering in the Great Hall. Me and the gang were sitting near the front off to the side. Stoick was trying to get everyone to quiet down. Once everyone was calmed down he starts the meeting.

"Two days ago as as you all know my son died. In honor of him I have decided to dedicate the cove to him. I remember that when he was a boy he loved to go there all the time." A few mummers of approval were heard.

"Also according to Astrid who was the last one to see Hiccup told me that a dragon, and not just any dragon, a Night Fury also tried to protect my son." Gasps were and murmurs were heard around the room. 

One person called out "How do we know that's true and that she wasn't imagining things or making this up?"

I get up "Why would I make that up?! I know what I saw. And for your information that Night FUry also saved me" (silence) "Before I blacked-out the Night Fury carried me to safety. It saved my life and tried to saved Hiccup's"

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now