Two Vikings Lost

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Astrid's POV

My parents finally come home today. 

I am waiting at the port with Gobber and Hiccup. We see the ships coming back and I run down to meet them. There are about four ships all packed with viking's. I push my way through the crowd and look for my parents. I see Stoick helping some people out of the boats. I walk up to him

"Uh chief. Where are my parents?" I ask him. I look around at the other vikings who have their heads down. He turns around and looks at me with sad eyes.

"I am so sorry Astrid. Your parents died."

I gasp "No that can't be true. They promised they would be back" Tears forming in my eyes.

"They went as any Hofferson should. Saving people. I'm sorry lass" The chief wraps his arms around me as a fall forward. Stoick has always felt like a second father to me. 

I silently cry into his chest as he holds me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and makes me look him in the eyes. 

"They risked their lives to save mine. You are strong just like them. We will get through this together. Ok?" I nod. When he lets go I turn and start to run. I suddenly feel a hand on my arm.

"Astrid what happened?" Hiccup asked

I look at him"No...nothing"

Hiccup's POV

Astrid pulls her arm away from me and runs away. I start to go after her but a feel two big hands on my shoulders.

"Don't son. She needs some time to herself now"

"What happened?" I say looking at my dad

"Her parents died while saving us."

I feel numb. The Hoffersons. I have known her parents my whole life. Her parents had been close friends with my parents. They were always like a second family even when me and Astrid weren't friends anymore.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip to Mid-day<<<<<<<<<<<<

I find Astrid sitting near the river where the cave is that the dragons stay in. She is looking the water while petting Stormfly. Toothless has his head on her lap and is whining. As I get closer I hear that she is singing. It sounds like the song my mom used to sing to me to help me go to sleep.

"Just close your eyes. The sun is going down. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come Morning light. You and I'll be safe and sound"

"Hey Astrid" 

She looks up "Hey"

"My dad told me. I'm sorry"

"I can't believe this my parents...." she stops talking and starts crying. I sit down and hug her tight. I start singing. (Yes in this story they can sing)

"I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said, "I'll never let you go."
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone,"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound" I sing still hugging her

"Don't you dare look out your window, darling.
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold on to this lullaby
Even when the music's gone
Gone" Astrid sings. Her voice is beautiful

"Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"  We sing together.

The rest of the song feels like a dream. I have a flashback to when me and Astrid were kids


Astrid was staying at my house when her parents were off on a mission with my dad. 

We were playing on the floor when I heard Astrid's and my name's being called somewhere from upstairs.

I looked at the little blonde haired girl next to me. She pointed under the table. So we quietly got up and crawled under the table. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and someone calling out to us. 

"Hiccup, Astrid you better not be hiding again." We giggled

I peaked out and saw a tall woman with two long reddish brown braids walking around the room. Me and Astrid were trying not to laugh and were shushing each other.

"Boo!!" someone cried.

Me and Astrid screamed. I crawled out and looked into the blue eyes of my mom. She put her hands on her hips and looked at me and Astrid who had crawled out.

If you guys are going to hid every single time I try to put you to sleep you might as well try harder." Mom said chuckling

We went up the stairs to my room. We had pillows and blankets all over the floor. Since Astrid was staying with us I slept on the floor with her. We got under the covers and mom started singing. 

End of flashback

I looked at Astrid. I see that same little girl I played with when we were kids for the first time in a while. Her eyes are the same deep blue and playful. 

We start to lean in. We close our eyes and kiss. It was a soft kiss. I can tell that Astrid is devastated. She wants something. We pull back. Astrid is blushing and I can feel my own face to warm. 

"We should probably get going" Astrid said after a while.

"Yeah yeah ok" I get up say goodbye to Toothless and Stormfly and start making my way to the village with Astrid.

No one's POV

When the blonde and auburn haired teens get back to the village. People start surrounding Astrid. Cami and Ruffnut run up to her and hug Astrid. The rest of the gang go up to her and Hiccup. 

Soon a meeting is being held in the Great Hall.

"Mr and Mrs Hofferson will be given a proper viking funeral to honor their lives and sacrifice" Stoick said. Calls of approval could be heard around the room

"If she is up for it, their first and only child will be leading it." He turns to Astrid who nods. 

"The funeral will be held tomorrow of the Eastern beach."

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now