Meeting Her

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Merida's POV

"She was at the base and we all most killed her friend." I suddenly feel cold. I watch as they walk out of view.

This is just great. I think to myself.

We stand in silence for a couple of minutes until Stella, I think that's her name comes up to us.

"It's time." I notice that she keeps looking at Hiccup like she's studying him.

I grab his hand and smile at him. I look back at Stella she quickly looks down at our hands. I watch her face closely. It doesn't show any signs of sadness but it almost looks like she's sad for someone else.

She smiles at us and turns around. We follow her to a big room. I see a few groups of people talking quietly. I notice Invar is speaking with another man and woman. I see a small group of young men talking. Nearby are two blondes, the same girl in the silver dress and a brunet talking. I can't any of their faces. They are either wearing hoods or their backs are turned to me.

I turn to the others and we talk quietly. I notice Hiccup is watching one of the blonde girls closely. She talking with the other girls when one of the boys walks over to her and whispers something to her. It makes her laugh. At this Hiccup, lets go of my hand and I see the look in his eyes. It's almost like he's seen a ghost. He walks over to her.

"Astrid?" I look at the others. We are all holding our breath. 

Everyone stops talking. She turns around. I see a beautiful young woman with ocean blue eyes. "Hiccup!" She hugs him and Hiccup doesn't hesitate half a second and hugs her back tightly like he's scared of losing her. 

I can feel the other's eyes on me. I don't how to feel about this. Astrid was Hiccup's first crush. They've known each other since they were born. She helped him run away. Weeks afterHiccup made the deal with Viggo he was depressed. I have no idea how to feel.

Elsa and Punzie come up behind me and put their hands on my shoulders. The other people have gathered around Hiccup and Astrid. They pull away and the other people come up to talk to him. He hugs some of the other people. 

We walk up behind him. Hiccup looks at the man Invar was talking to.

"Hi... Dad" He says shyly. 

His father gives his son a stern look that melts into happiness and sadness at once. "My son." He hugs him tightly. 

Once the man lets go Jack chimes in. "Hiccup, care to introduce us?"

He points to everyone in turn except for three people. Then we introduce our selves "I'm Merida. His girlfriend." I look at Astrid as I say this. She looks a little hurt but not as much as I was hoping. 

Elsa starts to introduce herself."I'm..."

"Elsa. We know." We all look at Astrid confused. 

"How do you know that?" Punzie asks

"We have our ways," The person in the silver dress says. She takes off her hood and reveals her face.

"And who are you exactly?"

"Heather. This is my brother Eret. We are the children of the chief. 

"This is why you never came back? After you promised me." She gestures to us.

"I didn't have a choice, Astrid!"

"You always have a choice!!" She glares at me. "It's clear to see which one you chose." Then she starts to leave. 

"Astrid wait!" Hiccup calls after her. 

Astrid's POV

I stop and turn around angry. "Wait? You want me to wait? That's all I've ever done Hiccup, is wait! I waited until it was my turn to prove myself to my family and the tribe!! I waited three years for you to come back and the other two when you didn't and dropped off the face of the Earth!!" I'm yelling at Hiccup. 

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now