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Hiccup's POV

Merida gets knocked out of the air as soon as I call out her. I immediately go after her but Jack stops me. 

"No Hiccup! I got Mer. You go after the dragon. Toothless might be able to catch up." Jack flys after Merida

After slight hesitation I go after the silver dragon. I notice there is a person on it. They look back and dives down into the trees. I follow. They weave between the trees and the dragon cuts some down with the tail to slow me down. I almost loose them but decide to pull a little trick of my own. I tell Toothless to go up.  Eventually we are in front of the rider. We dive back down in front of it. The dragon stops suddenly. I am about to call out but they take off again.

I follow them to a canyon. They race through it cutting down anything that can slow me down. I am able to stay on their tail. All of a sudden the rider and the dragon get a sudden burst of speed and take off. Next thing I knew was that they were coming towards me I look at the person and only see green eyes. I turn my head forward and see a tree fly towards me. Toothless doesn't have time to dodge it and it hits us. I fall to the ground and in the process hit my head on the rock and start to slowly loose conscious. The last thing I see is Toothless laying on the ground with his eyes closed. I look up and see the silver dragon hovering. Then it fly's away and everything goes black.

Eret's POV

Astrid is pacing back a forth and honestly it is getting me annoyed and kind of sick.

"Ash would you please stop pacing? It's making me nauseous."

She stops and looks at me "Sorry, I'm just nervous. Heather should have been back by now." I hope she's done pacing but she starts walking back and forth again.

"Astrid she's probably fine. You know Heather, nothing can touch her." I grab the blonde's hand and turn her towards me. I look into her light blue eyes.

"I know." She looks back at the entrance of the cave. "She is always on time with stuff like this." I cut Astrid off by kissing her.  

I pull back and see that she is shocked. I let go of her hand "Sorry Astrid. I just...." I stop talking when I feel Astrid kiss me on the cheek. I look down at her and see that she smiling. I lean down and kiss her and this time she returns it. We pull apart when I hear someone clearing their throat. 

"Can you guys please not do that now?" Heather asks jokingly.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck.

"Long enough to know what's going on between the two of you. Astrid Hofferson, we have a lot to talk about now."

"Not now though. What did you see?"

"Hiccup and his friends are here. We need to get them off. Elsa and one of the dragons wondered off and the others are looking for them."


"And you were right about Toothless's tail." Heather gives up.

"I told you guys. Toothless has one tail fin and when Hiccup made him a new On my one it was red. The Night Fury who is with the Dragon Price has both tail fins. Plus there are five other people Hiccup has been living with. It's not like his to leave them alone and crash a raid." Astrid explains to us.

"I'm not so sure Ash" Heather said skeptically.

"Guys we know there are other Night Fury out there. We met people who live with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to sabotage our raids it's not like we got off on the right foot with them"

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now