The Letter

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Merida's POV

"So what does that mean? Wait are you saying that our mysterious dragon riders are Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs Camicazi, and the twins?" Punzie asked shocked. 

"Jack actually might be onto something. I mean think about it. When Hiccup found out that they made a new base, a few months later Viggo showed up and the new dragon riders came to start fight him and his men. It says here in this letter that Astrid, Fishlegs and Camicazi can speak fluent Dragonese and Snotlout can speak a little. Four of the riders communicate to their dragons with through that language and the other two can't. So it kind of makes sense." I explain. I take the letter from Jackass (That's what Merida likes to call him) and look at it like I'm waiting for it to tell that I am right 

"But why would they hide that from Hiccup?" Punzie asks 

"I have no idea Punzie" I say quietly.

"Um guys.....? I'm sorry to interrupt your little conspiracy theory session your having but you might want to look at this" Elsa says nervously looking at the other letter. 

"What is it snowflake" Jack asks her putting his hands on her wait to look over her shoulder.

"This is the letter that is from Viggo but it is has another name on it. Any one know who 'P.B.' is?"

Me and Punzie shake our heads. Jack looks like he's trying to figure something out 

"What's wrong Jack?" I ask

"P.B. I feel like I knew that from somewhere" Jack takes the letter from Elsa and reads it over like it will change and give him the answer.

"Look why don't you try to figure this out Jack. I can go look for Hiccup." I start to walk out of his hut.

"Merida don't. You saw how he stormed out of the clubhouse and left when we came to talk to him. Hiccup just needs some space now." Elsa said with her hand on my arm. 

I look at Punzie who nods. "He will be ok Mer. He's Hiccup. He lost his leg and is perfectly fine now. We can talk to him later. Ok?" Punzie said reassuringly

I look at Jack who is still looking at the letter. "What they said" Jack calls without looking up.

"Ok. Now lets go and try to figure this out."

>>>>>>>>>>>>Night Time<<<<<<<<<<<<

It is now night and Hiccup hasn't come by all day. I have been resisting the urge to get on my dragon, Firefly. (Yes Merida has a dragon. She has a Hobblegrunt) Elsa and Jack have already threatened to freeze me if I didn't stop trying to go find him.

"Hiccup should have been back by now. What if he's been shot down? What if Hiccup's been captured?" I get up before anyone could stop me. I call for Firefly. "I am going to find him."

"Find who?" I voice behind me asked. I turn and see my one legged viking friend sitting on Toothless. 

"Hiccup!" We all scream.

He doesn't look mad but he doesn't look happy either. 

"Where the heck have you been?" Jack asked coming up to him

"Like I said before I left, Thinking" He reapplies without any emotion in his voice

"Hiccup we need to talk to talk to you" I say coming up to him as he gets of Toothless

"I need to talk to you guys as well."

"You go first Hiccup" Elsa said

"Look I'm sorry I stormed out on you guys. I should have at least waited to hear what you had to say. It's just.... I care too much about Astrid and the others. But It might be time to let her....I mean them go. I have been living in the past, thinking about what could have happened if I didn't leave Berk. But I have decided to take Viggo's deal" Hiccup said looking at us

"Oh Uh. I think we should have gone first. Cause we might have accidentally read your letter from Astrid and kind of came up with a theory" Jack said kind of shyly.

"Wait what?! You read Astrid's letter? Why?!" Hiccup was mad again.

"We didn't mean to. We were trying to find Viggo's and opened the wrong one." Punzie said looking down

"I can't believe this. You guys looked through my stuff." Hiccup starts pacing back and forth talking to himself more than to us. Toothless makes a small growl in his throat to comfort him.

"But we did find something. We think Astrid and them might be the dragon riders who fight Viggo." Jack throws in

"I already asked Astrid about that. She told me no. Astrid told me that their base is on the other side of the Archipelago. I have also searched the closest and safest island to Berk here and found nothing." Hiccup explains

"Look I have decided to make the deal with Viggo I will send a letter to him and meet with him soon. We can talk about this some other time. I need to get some sleep" The auburn haired boy turns and walks to his hut. Toothless gives us a look and runs after his rider. 

What have we done I think. I need to talk to him. Before I could move. Jack started talking.

"So....that went better than expected." Jack said breaking me out of my thoughts

"You think? He just stormed out on us again" I turn to him angrily 

"I guess we should have guessed that Hiccup had already thought of that before." Punzie sighed and laid down next to her dragon Avis. She is a purple and silver Windstriker. Avis is the perfect dragon for Rapunzel. Windstriker dragons are relatively peaceful dragons and only attack when provoked like Punzie. If this dragon is angry you don't what to be the one who got it angry. Avis will fight to protect her at all costs. 

"Why is life so hard?" I complain

"Well we aren't kids anymore Mer. We have been fighting since we were 15. Well you guys 15 me about 315." Jack said getting up from where he was sitting with Elsa.

"No it's not about that and the our whole Viggo problem. It's about ......"

"Hiccup. Look you and me know Hiccup better than anyone here so I'm not going to tell you what to do with him. Mostly because I can't, but you have to figure out what is best for him." Jack is now in front of me. "So..? What are you going to do."

"Hiccup needs some space." I decide (Wrong choice Merida)

I sit down next to Jack and put my head on his shoulder. He has become an older brother to me so it's not awkward for anyone here. How have we made it this far? I think to myself.

Sorry for the short chapter. 

I hope you're enjoying my story.

Please comment if you have some ideas about what should happen.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now