Dragon Training (Part 2)

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Astrid's POV

We line up. Gobber starts naming the types of dragons we will learn to fight. The last one, the Gronckle, he puts his hand on the lever

"Wait aren't you going to teach us first?" Snotlout crys

"I believe in learning on the job." Gobber says and lets the dragon out

"Today is about survival. If you get blasted your dead. Quick what's the first thing you'll need?!"

"A doctor?" Hiccup says I roll my eyes.

"Plus 5 speed?" Fishlegs frantically says.

"A shield." I finally say.

"Shields go! Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield take the shield."

Ruffnut and Tuffnut were fighting over a shield. The dragon saw them and blasted. Fishlegs and Snotlout get blasted at the same time. Soon it was just Cami, me, and Hiccup. Cami flipped over to me.

"So... what were you and Hiccup talking about" she teased

"Nothing important. Just somethings about our parents. And really right now you have to ask about it." I say as as we roll away after the Gronckle shot at us. Cami just laughs.

We end up next to Hiccup. Cami gets blasted when we land. Hiccup turns to me.

"So I guess it's just you and me?"

I smile at him but say "Nope just you"

The brown dragon shoots at Hiccup to corner him and is about to shoot again

"HICCUP!" Gobber yells. The Gronckle stops when Hiccup brings out dragon nip.

Hiccup was able to "tame" it and got it back in it's cage. The rest of the teens saw what Hiccup did and were stunned. I was so happy but was pretending to be in shock. 

No One's POV

Hiccup, Astrid and Cami have been dominating dragon training. It has been a little less than two weeks since the teens have started. Gobber has disqualified the twins Fishlegs, and Snotlout. Stoick will be home any day now to hear the news about his son doing so well

In the meantime Astrid and Hiccup have still been flying their dragons. They have discovered some new islands and new ways to train dragons. 

However, Hiccup will soon have to choose between his tribe and Astrid or his best friend and the life of a dragon.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you are enjoying the story. Sorry if it feels kind of slow the action will be coming soon. 

If you have any ideas please comment them. I have an idea for for the next couple of chapters but nothing to come after them. So I would some inspiration.

Thank you for reading.

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