Strange New Alliance

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Merida's POV

>>>>>>>>>>>>A Couple Month Later<<<<<<<<<<<<

It has been a couple months since Hiccup made the deal with Viggo. So far he has kept his side of the deal. When Hiccup met with him, Viggo made a deal to stay on one side of the map and we stay on the other. At first we were suspicious but we really had no other choice. Viggo hasn't attacked us or any islands on our side. We have seen the other dragon riders fighting Viggo. They also seem to have allies who fight alongside them on ground and in air. They still fight in silence and wear the armor so we have no idea what they look like.

I am having a dream about my mom and a bear but this time I'm the bear and my mom is after me and before she can kill me I wake up.

I try to go to back to sleep. But I just can't. I open my hut door and all of a sudden everything goes black. I reach up to my face and feel a warm, scaly creature on it. I take it off my face and look a green Terrible Terror. I see it has a note attached. I am really starting to hate this idea of Terror Mail.

I take of the note and take the dragon inside. I can tell the dragon is tired so I give him some water and hand him a fish from Firefly's dinner. I light a candle and read who the letter is from; 'Astrid'. This is the 5 letter she has written to Hiccup in a month. It is starting to get annoying. I want to read it but I remember what happened last time we read a letter from her, even though it was an accident. I will give this to Hiccup in the morning I think. I go back to bed.

When I wake up the sun is shining and I see the Terror from last night poking around in my stuff

"Hey get away from there!" I say to it. I flys out with a fish in its mouth. I get dressed, put my quiver over my back and take my bow. I call for Firefly and head down to the Clubhouse

"Mornin' everyone. Morning Hiccup" I greet

"Morning, Mer" Hiccup comes up behind me and kisses me on the top of the head. I giggle. The two of us have started to date a little less than a month ago. Elsa and Jack are going steady and Punzie is still happy single. She is always saying how much she loves it. I believe her.

"How did you guys sleep?" Punzie asked coming in.

"I think Jelsa had a long night. Right?" Hiccup said looking at Elsa and Jack who came in together.

"Shut it Haddock!" Jack said jokingly

"Oh yeah I just remembered this came in the middle of the night." I hand the letter to Hiccup. "From Astrid" I tell him

He opens it and starts reading. "She's worried about me, about all of us." I can tell Hiccup really wants to write back and tell her everything.

"I don't blame her. You two were writing almost every other week. Then you stopped. Dropped of the face of the Earth." Elsa chimed in. I can tell Hiccup still feels something for that stupid blonde he used to write to. I honestly feel a pang of jealousy when ever Astrid comes up in conversation.

"Anything new?" Jack questions sitting down. We are still trying to figure out if Astrid and her gang are the other dragon riders fighting Viggo

"In general. Cami and Tuff have started dating. The the amount of destruction has gone down thanks to that. Snotlout is still chasing after Astrid. Tuffnut almost married Ruff and Fishlegs until Snotlout reminded Tuff that he never finished the class since the teacher jumped off a cliff cause of him." The rest of us cringe at the last part but Hiccup seems unfazed.

"But about the Viggo and the dragon riders; nothing" Hiccup slumps down on the chair.

I go up to my boyfriend and hug from behind "We are going to figure this out together. I promise" He me gives a forced smile and stands up.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now