New Base

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Hiccup's POV

It has been about a month since I last heard from Astrid. I assume she went back to Berk but she never told me. The late letter I received only said she was that she was worried about me.

"Hiccup! Where have you been?" Flynn asks as I enter the clubhouse. 

Flynn has become a dragon rider. After a couple visits to the Defender's of the Wing. we offered him a spot. Mala said it was fine as long as he stayed out of trouble. 

"I was on a scouting mission and found something you guys need to see." I respond looking at all of them.

After fly for a while I can tell the others are getting anxious to know what is going on and where we are going.

"Are we there yet?" Merida asks for about the 20th time.

"No Mer."

"Can you at least tell us where se are going?" Elsa asks trying not sound annoyed.

"I will once we get there." Jack and Merida groan.

We finally get to an island that is shaped like a dragon. From the direction we are flying we can't see what I need to show them. 

"Ok gang we're here. Let's land the dragons and them I can show you guys." 

After a quick rest we are back in the air. I hear the others gasp.

"Look at all the dragons." Punzie gasps.

"I've never seen so many different species living right next to each other without fighting." Elsa gushes. "Look Changewings, Nadders, Nightmares, a couple Rumblehorns"

"It's amazing. Wait is that a Singetail?" Merida points at a lime green dragon. 

"Looks like it. So Hiccup what did you want to show us?" Jack asks bringing the others back to reality.

"This" I point down . 

"Is that a...?"

"base? Yes" I finish for Merida

"How do you know the owners aren't going to be back?" Punzie asks cautiously as Flynn helps her off her dragon.

"Well it looks like it hasn't been occupied for a while. These little dragon's have taken over." I point at the black dragons. 

"Who do you think lived here?"

"I'm not sure but I'm guessing it was dragon riders"

"Astrid" Merida says without emotion.

"I am guessing. Look at the huts. Each one represents a rider and dragon." I head over to a light blue one. "This looks like I would be Astrid's. Blue is her favorite color and it has a ballista on the roof. The dragon symbol is a blue and yellow Nadder. Stormfly's colors."

"What about the others" Punzie asks

"Well Astrid never told me what dragons the others had. But the red hut has a 'S' on it so I assuming Snotlout. The hut that the has matching dragon symbols, the twins, Ruff and Tuff. The one closest to the water is probably Fishlegs. Cami's is next to Astrid's. They are like sister's plus it is also just as heavily armed."

"Wow even though you haven't seen these guys in years you are still able to identify which hut is theirs. Impressive." Flynn said slapping me on the back. I grunt but smile back.

"This only leaves one last question. Are they the 'Calvary' the Atalie was talking about?"

"I am going to say yes." I look at the others "Wait where's Elsa?"

"What do you mean? She was right behind me........?" Jack turns around in circles.

"Where's Avis?" Punzie says worriedly looking for her dragon.

"Do you think they went off looking for something." Flynn asks trying to calm us down.

"No it's not like Elsa or Avis to just wander off." Jack answers quickly.

"Ok let's split up and search the island. Punzie go with Flynn and head South. The rest of us head North. If Elsa did wander away she probably when in that direction." I turn to Flynn and Punzie"Signal if you see anything."

I can tell Merida and Jack are getting more worries by the minute. "Hiccup we've been flying for a long time now."

"Look I know you guys are worried so am I but this is a pretty big island"

"Hiccup down there" Jack points at something silver. 

I land Toothless and look around. "I don't see anything Jack."

"Uh.... Hiccup? Jack?" Merida calls us over to where she's standing. 

"What is it?"

"Have you something like this before?" Merida asks holding out a silver spine.

I it from her. "No, it kind of looks like a Deadly Nadder spine but longer and a different color."

Jack touches the top if it "Ow. And sharper that it should be"

"What do you mean" Merida asks

I look at the tip. "Jack's right. A normal spine like this shouldn't be this sharp. It's almost like someone sharpened it. Let's get back in the air."

I see an explosion in the air. "That's Flame's distress signal." We fly over to where the signal came from.

"I don't see anything." Merida said.

I look around "Merida! Behind you!" I soon as I call out to Merida, she get knocked out of the air.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now