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I wrote this at one in the morning and didn't feel like editing it. Sorry if it's really bad. 

Merida's POV

It's been a week since I killed Astrid and Hiccup made me leave. I don't know why I did it felt like something dark came over me. I didn't like Astrid one bit but still didn't want to kill her. 

I'm walking through the woods. I've made camp on a small nearby island. I sent Elsa a letter telling her I was alright. She responded saying that they had Astrid's funeral. She and Punzie are mad that Hiccup made me leave but I honestly don't blame him. I killed Astrid the person he loved more than anyone. She was a huge part of his life and I took that from him. 

I'm sitting in a cave with Firefly crying. I haven't cried in a long time. Suddenly Firefly jumps to her feet and starts growling at something. 

"It's a pity really. Astrid was such a lovely girl. So much potential. Can you please tell your dragon to calm down? I come in peace." A man comes out from the shadows. 

"It's ok girl. Who are you?" I ask grabbing my bow.

"I just remembered we haven't officially met. I'm Pitch Black or the Boogeymen. I control nightmares. I know you have a few of those. I'm surprised Jack never told you about me."

"What do you want?"

"I know what you did. I can help you. Help you get revenge on Hiccup."

"No. I won't let you hurt Hiccup"

"You are a lot like Astrid aren't you? But Hiccup chose her over you. He never loved you. When he told you to leave no one stopped him or stood up for you. They don't care about you, Merida."

"Stop! You're just trying to get inside my head. I won't let you hurt my friends." 

No One's POV

Merida runs out of the cave and flies away. Behind Pitch, a young woman comes out from the shadows. 

"It's a pity really. She has no idea what she just did." After a second. "Get her."

Without hesitation the young woman whistles. A red and black dragon comes up to her. She jumps on and flies after Merida. Pitch watches her fly away and melts back into the shadows. After a few seconds, Merida's scream can be heard.

The woman goes back to Pitch. "It's all done. They will never know what happened."

"Well done."

The End

I can't believe I just finished my first book.
I am making a second book so stay posted for that.

Thank you for all the views.
Stay Safe ❤️

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