The Alphas

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Hiccup's POV

We've been flying for a while and I notice that Jack is getting tired. I tell him to fly with Flynn for a while so I can take Elsa. By the time we make it back to our base, it's pitch blackout. I get off Toothless and help Elsa off who's still shaking from the experience. I sit her down on a chair in the clubhouse and kneel in front of her.

"Elsa, I know you're tired but I need to know what happened out there today." She looks at me with scared eyes.

"I don't know Hiccup. I honestly can't remember. It all just happened in a flash." I look at the others. "It's alright. Why don't you get some rest" I stand up and walk over to Jack. "Can you take her to her hut and then come back here?" He nods and picks Elsa up bridal style.

I sit down and Merida sits next to me and takes my hand. I give her a forced smile. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes waiting for Jack to come back.

"How is she?" I ask once he lands.

"Elsa is going to be fine. Right now she just needs to recover." He pauses and slumps down into a chair. "What do you think happened Hiccup?"

"I have no idea."

"This is just perfect. All we know is that some new dragon riders have taken our one chance of find Astrid and the others." Flynn says pacing around

"Why don't just go back. I don't think those guys going to be back any time soon."

"I agree with Punzie. Plus we outnumber them." Merida says standing up.

"No, we can't. Did you guys see the symbol on the bags tied to the dragons? They are clearly from a tribe. We aren't. They can easily take us out. Plus did you see how the other dragons protected them, the change wings and nightmares? They clearly aren't trained but they still protected them." 

"What are you saying?" Jack said looking at me.

"What I'm saying is that we can't go back to that island. At least not right away. Right now we have to figure out what happened Elsa and how to make sure we don't get into another war. And if we do it won't be one we can win." I walk towards my hut. "Get some rest everyone."

"Hiccup wait up." I hear Merida call.  I turn around to face her but instead of a girl with bright curly red hair I see a teen with ocean blue eyes and light blonde hair staring back at me. She smiles at me and fades away. I blink a couple of times and see my surroundings come back into view. 

"What's up Mer?" I say to her as we fall into step.

"Nothing. It's just you seen really stressed lately and was wondering whether you wanted to talk." I look into her blue eyes. 

"It's just everything going on." She gives me a sad smile. I rub the back of my neck."Uh... You like to uh... stay the night in my hut. I kind of want some company." I look at my girlfriend and can tell she is shocked. "Sorry, that was a weird question."

She kisses me light lightly on the cheek. "No it's not. And I would love to." (Please do not judge I need to add some more Merricup)

Me and Merida head into my hut. She helps me take off my armor. We lay down on my bed. Merida puts her head on my chest and falls asleep. I can't stop thinking about what happened today. I also can't get Astrid out of my mind now. Why did I see her instead of Merida? Did it mean something? It's been a while since I've thought about her like I used to.

I sigh and look at the redhead sleeping next to me. I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Two years later. (Everyone is 20)

It's been two years since the incident with Elsa and the other riders. That doesn't mean their tribe has forgotten about it. We've seen multiple Wanted posters with shockingly accurate pictures of Elsa. We've been trying to figure out who is posting them. Elsa couldn't remember what happened that day no matter how many different questions we asked. We tried to jog her memory by telling her what happened earlier in the day. Nothing helped.

"Hey Hiccup, Johann is at the dock and needs to talk to you and Elsa," Flynn says coming into my hut with Jack.

"Ok. Tell him I'll be there in a minute." I get on Toothless and go find Elsa. I see her in the woods with the other girls. I land behind them. "Elsa, Johann's here and wants to talk with us." Elsa nods and gets Toothless. We land on the dock and greet Johann.

"What do you want to talk to us about?"

"Master Hiccup and Miss Elsa. I know how you guys have been searching for the people who have been putting up Wanted signs for Elsa." We nod. "Well, I think I know who they are."

"You think you know who, who is?" Jack asks landing on the boat behind us. The others are standing on the dock.

"Mr. Jack. I was just telling them how I think I know who has been placing bounties on Elsa" 

We are now back in the clubhouse standing around Johann. 

"Their name is the Alpha Tribe.

"Why do they call themselves that?" Punzie asks

"Supposedly a dragon made their home and they call him the Alpha Dragon. It can control any drawing with its mind. It's also the home of the Queen of Dragons. Master Hiccup it turns out you aren't the only one who has trained a Night Fury"

We are all shocked "Where can we find them?"

Johann tells us where they live. I give him a letter to deliver to their chief. 

About a week later I get a reply asking us to come to their village to sort things out. We follow Johann as far he can take us. I spot the ice structure ahead. 

"Ok gang, we are going into unknown territory so be alert" I look at Jack and Merida "We are here on a diplomatic mission so please do not make any enemies." Both of them roll their eyes at me. 

Once we get close enough we are stopped by a group of guards. 

"We are here to meet with your chief" I hold up the letter. 

"Ok. But we need to ask you not to fly your dragons inside. We don't allow outsiders to fly in our home unless it is necessary "

"Very well. Gang dismount. And Jack no flying or you either."

We walk in and it's amazing. All different types of dragons living in the same place not being controlled. I look over the edge of a cliff and see a huge white dragon. Around it, other dragons bow to it. I turn around when I hear a couple of people talking quietly. 

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Would you prefer if Merida or Astrid or both turned evil?

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now