Run Away

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Astrid's parents were not killed by dragons. They were killed by someone else who will come up later in the book

A few days after the funeral 

No one's POV

The day has come for the final contests to prove they have what it takes to kill their first dragon.

When heading to the arena Astrid pulls Hiccup over. 

"What are we going to do?" Astrid asks

"I have a plan. I can train the dragon and show everyone they aren't what we think they are"

"Be serious Hiccup we need a real plan. Everyone is expected you or me to win."

"Ok ok." They stand in silence for a while

"We let Cami win"Hiccup said. 

"What? Come on Hiccup"

"Hear me out. If we let Cami win and then we tell her the truth about dragons. She will listen to you. If I win no one will listen to me and I don't want to hurt you any more"

Astrid thinks about it for a little bit "Ok, I hope this works"

"Good luck Astrid. And remember try to act like you want this"

"I know dragon boy" Astrid said punching him in the shoulder.

They continue walking to the arena and wait outside with Cami talking. Soon they hear the announcements being made.

"Please welcome the finalists. In third place: Camicazi" Mulch announces as Cami walks in with her axe and signature smirk waving to the crowd.

"Cami, Cami Cami" Her family and a few other vikings cheer.

"In second place: Fearless Astrid Hofferson" Astrid walks confidently into the arena. She had had her axe on her shoulder and sadness in her eyes. Not all caused of her parent's deaths but because she still might be chosen to kill a dragon. A roar of support was heard. Vikings were chanting her name and yelling words of encouragement.

"And finally to everyone's surprise. In first place: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III" A huge cheer was heard. 

"You go my man" Tuff shouted 

Gobber was standing in front of the cage and started going over the rules. 

"If you get shot you are out. The Gronckle has a 6 shot limit you each get at least two. First to take down the beast is the winner and will have the honor of killing the Monstrous Nightmare!"

"Get your shields and get ready!" Gobber opens the cage and the Gronckle flys out. 

Cami Hiccup and Astrid run in different directions. Hiccup goes behind a wooden wall. Astrid rolls up to him

"Out of my way. I winning this thing"

"Please by all means" Hiccup says as she runs away

Cami is annoyed that she is in third place. She has to win in order regain herself. 

"This time, this time for sure"

Before she could move she hears a scream. Cami gets out and notices Astrid standing in front of Hiccup who is next to the sleeping Gronckle. 

Cami starts screaming and cursing. Gobber comes down brings the raging viking over with the others. 

"Quite. Settle down the elder has decided" Stoick said

Gobber comes up behind them and puts his hook over Cami's head. The shakes her head. Next Astrid. Gothi shakes her head. Gobber then slowly raises his hand over Hiccup. Gothi nods. Astrid is fuming and Cami is shocked. The rest of the gang comes down to lift up Hiccup as everyone cheers. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip<<<<<<<<<<<<

Astrid's POV

I found Hiccup sitting with the dragons near the river. 

"So much for your plan." I say 

"Yeah" He looks at me with sad eyes and gets up

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know"

"You might be able to change their minds." I say hopefully. "You changed mine"

"I didn't. Toothless did. Would you have believed me if I just told you." I shake my head "See?"

I think for a minute "That's it! You show the others that dragons aren't monsters. You train the dragon in the arena tomorrow. You can do your hand thing"

"Astrid if I try that in the arena I will get attacked. It's no use"

I want to argue but I know he's right "So now what?"

"I am doing what I should have done a year ago...... Running away"

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now