Chief Astrid?

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The teens are now 17 and look like they do in Race to the Edge. The events from the previous TV shows have happened. Just think about them without Hiccup

Also the gang have creating Dragons Edge and that's where they are now. The edge looks the same in Race to the Edge.

Astrid's  POV

It has been about two years since I told the gang about Hiccup being alive. Cami and Snotlout were shocked. I have no idea how to describe Fishleg's reaction. He seemed shocked but he also was onto me about it. And the twins were so happy that they guessed that Hiccup was alive. Then they started fighting about who came up with the idea first. 

Me and the Gang have created own own base outside of the Archipelago. We call it Dragon's Edge. 

I have just received Hiccup's last letter and started writing back right away.

Dear Hiccup,

Everything is good on Dragon's Edge and Berk. Me and the gang have just came back from Berk to check in and get more supplies. Even though Trader Johan has most of the stuff we need I don't like having him around the Twins. Last time he came Ruff and Tuff almost got him eaten by a Change Wing. 

It is now the annual Nadder migration. Stormfly loves it she has made many new friends but still miss you and Toothless a lot. So do I.

Berk has changed a lot since you left and even more since my last visit home. You father now has a dragon of his own. He named it Scull Crusher. He is a Rumble Horn Dragon. Perfect for him. Gobber got his own Dragon as well. A brownish, orange Hobblegrunt he named Grump. Cami and Fishlegs have started 'dating'. I always thought that Cami was going to end up with Tuffnut. Don't ask why, just a hunch. 

Cami, Fishlegs and I now speak fluent Dragonese. Snotlout can speak a little and gave it a try again but stopped when he said Fjord looks like a yak turned inside out. The twins are the same as ever. Never tried and never will. They spend all their time in the boar pit or fighting.

You might remember Dagur, son of Oswalt the Agreeable. Well Dagur is the chief of the Berserkers. And he certainly lives up to his name, Dagur the Deranged. We had some trouble with him in the past but he changed. I have know idea why but he has. He rides a Gronckle named Shader Master. If your wondering, we have been able to make peace with the Outcats. Which is one of the reasons your father let us go. 

Don't worry I haven't told anyone else about you and nether has the gang. Please tell Jack, Elsa, Rapunzel, and Merida I say hi and hope they are doing well.

It has been two years since you left. I hope to see you soon. 

I love you 

- Astrid Hoff.

I roll up the letter and call for a Terror. I don't know where Hiccup's base is but somehow the little dragons find it. 

I head to the club house and Cami comes up to me. 

"Astrid, Stoick just arrived with Gobber and Spitelout they need to talk to you."

"And they seem mad. Maybe they found out about Hiccup." Tuffnut said laying on Belch 

"If they found out about him they wouldn't have brought my dad" Snotlout comments. 

"Snotlout has a point. We all know how much Spitelout hated Hiccup. Mostly because if Stoick thought that Hiccup had what it took to be chief Snotlout would never have a chance." Fishlegs points out

"Guys Fishlegs is right I doubt this has anything to to with Hiccup. Astrid, I can go with you if you want" Cami said putting her hand on my shoulder. I smile and nod to her. We head down to the the stables. 

"Tuff was right they do look mad." Cami whispers

"Look what ever happened I am sorry. I can't control the Twins and Snotlout 24/7." I say with my hands up.

"What? This has nothing to do with those three knuckle heads. Although I can't seem to find my spare hand so I need to ask them about that"  Gobber said.

"We need to talk Astrid. Bring the rest of the riders." We go back up to the Clubhouse. 

"Astrid, as you know I wanted Hiccup to become the next the chief of Berk but now that he is gone I need to pick someone else to take my place when I retire.So me and the council have decided that...."

"You guys picked me, right? I mean isn't that an obvious choice?" Snotlout interrupts and flexes his muscles 

"SNOTLOUT!!" everyone yells at him

"WHAT?! Just saying...." he starts mumbling about what an amazing chief he would be. 

Stoick continues "We have decided, Well I have decided that we need an chief that can set an example, someone who is willing to put her life life on the line for others. Someone who changed for the good of the tribe." the chief looks down at me smiling "And who better than you, Fearless Astrid Hofferson"

I am stunned. "I don't know what to say. Thank you. I am honored." I look at the others who are smiling at me. "But I can't. I can't leave these guys." I gesture to the my friends

"Astrid don't worry about us. We will be fine." Fishlegs said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah you have been dreaming about becoming chief since you were a little girl. I remember us playing in your house pretending that you were the chieftess and we were the annoying villagers" Cami chimes in.

"To be fair you guys were pretty annoying." I chuckled "But what about everything that's going on? With Viggo and the Dragon Hunters? I can't afford to leave. I'm sorry chief" I turn back Stoick

"Astrid lets walk." We have been walking a little while now "What makes you say what you said in the clubhouse? You know those guys can fight."

"That's the problem. With no one to keep them in check they will be fighting each other. I don't doubt that they can take on the dragon hunter themselves. I don't. But they all have their own problems. I mean Snotlout he might not be as egotistical has he was before but his head can still get pretty big and that often puts our plans in jeopardy. The twins. You don't have to say anything about them. They just do as they want like Snotlout. Fishlegs is the smarted but he isn't a fighter and that can sometimes be a problem. He can lead fine but it's very unlikely that the others will listen to them."

"And what about Cami? She can lead the riders."

"She can lead them just fine but she's like me. Hard headed, gets angry easily and that combined with the other guys.... I just can't leave them. And don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I am perfect. Me and Cami lead together. We are there for each other. Plus with Viggo and Ryker and the dragon hunter's out there doing Thor knows what I won't leave the riders to fend for themselves. I would love to become chieftess but I can't just drop that all of a sudden. I'm sorry."

"I understand. I'll be waiting when you are ready. Ok, Astrid?" I nod "Now let's get back before someone explodes your base" I laugh and walk back with him

"Finally you guys are back those three are going to drive me crazy" Cami yells pointing at the twins and Snotlout who are playing with a Night Terror

"See, this is why I need to stay."

"I see. Good luck with them Astrid" Later we wave goodbye to the chief and the two other men.

"I can't believe you said no to becoming chief" Snotlout said 

"Yeah why did you say no Astrid. You have been dreaming about this your whole life."Fishlegs chimes in

"I didn't say no I told that once everything is figured out with Viggo I will come back and start working with him. I can't leave you guys. You are my family you always have been and always will be." I turn to Fishlegs and Cami "Plus I can't leave you two here with Snotlout , Ruffnut and Tuffnut, can I?"

"Thank Thor you didn't" Fishlegs sighed in relief 

"And also Stoick will keep asking me and when I am ready I will take the role"

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now