A New Friend

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Astrid's POV

I start to think about what to tell Stoick. I decide to go to the cove to think.

Once I get there I start to think about Hiccup. Not about the current situation with him but about everything we have done. When we were kids sitting by the fire playing, reassuring him when his mom died. I remember when my mom and dad were teaching me how to use a axe and laughing at Hiccup when he accidentally threw his at Stoick. I wonder why we grew apart. I get lost in my thoughts about the past year. 

I realizes it is now night I missed dinner. I go over to Stormfly. I can tell she misses Toothless. I tell her to go back to the cave. I go back to the village. Once I get there Stoick spots me comes over.

"Astrid good job in the ring today."

"Thank you but Hiccup did a whole lot better"

"Speaking of my son have you seen him?"

"Sorry I haven't. He is probably in the woods. You know him runs off and hides in the woods or somewhere in village. Then comes back when everyone is tired of looking for him"

The chief chuckles "The two of you are so different I still wonder how you were able to put up with him when you guys were little." I smile at him and shrug. 

"Someone had to." I tell Stoick. I walk to my house and lay down on my bed. I am soon able to come up with a plan. 

Hiccup's POV

I have been flying for a long time now. Toothless is getting tired.

"Just a little further bud. just until we are a good distance away from Berk"

We find an small island that as far as I can tell has no other people. 

"We will camp here tonight then continue on tomorrow morning." Toothless is drinking from a river and gives me a look.

"Ok fine. We will tomorrow night."

"Good" The black dragon responded.  I lay down next to him and fall asleep. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip<<<<<<<<<<<<

I wake up and feel something heavy on my stomach. I look down and see that Toothless has decided to use me as a pillow. 

"Come one bud, really? I can't breath." The dragon wakes up and starts licking me. 

"Ah seriously Toothless you know that doesn't wash out" He just laughs

"Ok lets get some food and some other  supplies the trip." 

>>>>>>>>>>>> Mid-day<<<<<<<<<<<<

It has been an quit an eventful day so far. Toothless made some new friends and by that I mean some enemies.

He got into a fight with a Whispering Death, and a Typhoomerang. And almost burned down half the island when we ran into some angry Change Wings. We also encountered some Dragon Hunters. I don't think it's going to be the last time we see those guys though. 

The weirdest thing is that it feels like I was being watched the whole time. There was always a cold presence around for some reason. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard rustling in the trees.

"If there is someone there I suggest you come out now before I shoot you out of that tree" All most immediately a teenage boy with snow white hair who looks maybe a little older than me jumped down. 

"Wait you can hear me?" He asked astonished.

"Uh yeah...?" I say though it comes out more like a question. 

"Can.... can you see me?"

"I can see you.... Who are you?"

"My name is Jack Frost. Most people can't see me since they don't believe in me."

"I'm Hiccup. I am from Berk. No one lives there without believing in Jack Frost."

Toothless comes up to Jack them growls. 

"Woah Toothless it's ok bud." I turn back to Jack "Sorry he hasn't exactly met a lot of people before. Ok that was an understatement." I say when the Night Fury gives me a look. "It was only me and one other person he has met."

"Wait before did you speak to him?"

"Oh yeah. I have been with Toothless for a little more than a year now. He and Stormfly who is my friend's dragon taught us how to speak their language. You have to ether be born with it like me and my friend or taught it."

"Cool. And who is this friend you speak of." Jack teases

"Her name is Astrid she is the only one who knows about Toothless" I tell him about the past year with Astrid, the dragons and dragon training.

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now