Dragon Training (Part 1)

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One Year Later. The gang is now 15

Hiccup's Pov

I wake up and see that Astrid is sleeping next to me with Toothless and Stormfly behind us. I guess we must have fallen asleep after going flying. I crawl over to Astrid and look at her. She looks beautiful asleep and less likely to kill someone. I brush her blonde hair out of her face and gently shake her awake. Her eyes flutter open and I look into her ocean blue eyes. She yawns and asks what happened. I tell her we must have fallen asleep. Astrid jumps up and says she has to go home.

"Let me walk you" I say.

We say goodbye to the dragons and make our way through the woods. Once we get to the village we split ways. I head to my house and close the door noticing that my dad is sitting by the fire place. I try to sneak my way upstairs. I don't have much luck. 

"Hiccup" My dad says

"Dad... uh..... I have to talk to you dad" I already have a feeling about what this is going to be about

"I have to speak with you son."

"I think it's time you learn to fight dragons" dad said at the same time I said "I've decided I don't want to fight dragons."

"What?" we said. 

"Uh You go first"

"No, no you go first."

"Ok. you get your wish. Dragon training you start in the morning." My thoughts were confirmed. 

"Oh man I should have gone first. Uh cause I was thinking we have a surplus of dragon fighting vikings but do we have enough of bread making vikings or small home repair vikings."

My dad drops an axe in my hands. "Dad, I don't want to fight dragons"

"Hahaha yes you do"

"Rephrased. Dad I can't kill dragons."

"But you will kill dragons"

"No I'm really very extra sure I wont"

"This is important Hiccup."

"Can you not hear me?!" I yell at him

"When you cary this axe you cary all of us with you. that means you walk like us, you talk like us, you think like us. No more of this." He says gesturing to my body.

"You just gestured to all of me


"This conversation is feeling very one sided"


I finally give up. "Deal"

"Good. Train hard. I'll be back, probably" Dad puts his helmet on and swings a basket over his shoulder

"And I'll be here, maybe."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Next Day<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Astrid'd POV

I was talking with my parents last night about dragon training. I needed to pretend that I wanted to do this.

I was walking towards the arena talking with Camicazi (Cami), and Fishlegs. Ruffnut and Tuffnut where talking about their next prank. Snotlout was trying to flirt with me and Cami. I was fed up with it so I spun him around and threw him into a wall.

"Ow. Pain"

"Thanks Snotlout I needed that"

"Your welcome I know my role" he said trying to smile. Ruffnut started laughing and Cami fell on the floor laughing. I smiled at her. 

"What's going on with her?" Someone behind us said. I turned around and was shocked to see Hiccup with an axe. 

"Oh you should have seen it Astrid threw Snotlout and it was glorious." Tuffnut said.

"Okay.... Uh Astrid I need to talk to you."

"Sure." I turned back to the other's " I'll catch up to you guys"

We walk towards the forge and  head to the back which is Hiccups little area. Once we are out of sight and ear shot I frantically say

"What in Thor's name are you doing here with an axe no less? I have to go to dragon training against my will while me parents go with your father to look for the nest. "

"Same. I have dragon training."

"What?!" I yell

"Sh, I know" said Hiccup looking down

"It took my dad a whole year to consider my wish about dragon training." he continued

"What about Toothless and Stormfly? Who's going to watch them?"

"Don't worry. I found them another cave by the river so they have water and fish. I also told them to keep out of sight." (Astrid and Hiccup can speak Dragon since they spend so much time with theirs and around other dragons)

"Ok. What are we going to do? You know everyone expects me to win and kill the Nightmare"

"I already have a plan."

Of course you do

Hiccup told me what to do. Once I agreed, we walk out talking quietly. We meet up with the group and to keep the act going I walk over to Ruffnut. Cami says hello to Hiccup and Fishlegs starts talking to them. When we get to the arena and see Gobber waiting for us. 

Returning Home (Hiccstrid vs Merricup) ****COMPLETE****Where stories live. Discover now