Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 16

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Harry p.o.v 

"Are you ready lads?! You're on in 30 seconds" Says the stage hand as we stand in the wings of a famous American Chat show. This is one of the only one's we havent been on before, we're having a short interveiw and then we're performing Kiss You. 

I hear our very much over played 1st single 'What Makes You Beautiful" blaring out over the stage as we walk on and pile in our usual fashion onto the sofa that has been set out. 

"A warm welcome to One Direction!" Says the host holding out his hand as the audience hollers at us, most of the squeals high pitched. 

"Harry,Louis,Liam,Zayn and Niall, how are you!?" The host shouts over the microphone gesturing to us as we all grin cheekily, which fans still go crazy for. 

"We're good!" Starts Zayn, as we all nod. I'm right in the middle, sandwiched between Liam and Niall. 

"Yeah, having a great time travelling about and stuff" Says Liam. 

"So remind me where you've been so far?" He asks. 

"Emm, We went to Paris, Then Stockholm, Milan, Now we're here obviously and next is L.A"  Says Louis. 

"Wow sounds busy.. Do you get much spare time?" He asks. 

"Well we often have a day or even half a day when we reach each new city to do whatever we like so if we wanna see something, we see it then" Explains Louis. 

"Right.. and what have you seen?" He asks. 

"Me and Ellie mostly go shopping, just checking out the city a little" Says Zayn. 

"Me and Paige like the resteurants!" Says Niall. 

"Right.. of course, what's it like having the girls on tour with you? A little more entertaining right?" He laughs. 

"It's great! Like being able to merge two amazing parts of your life together" Grins Liam, gaining an aww from the audience.

All our fans ship the boys and their girlfriends really hard.. this is the part that worries me about Flora, I mean it takes alot to get to know someone and like them without physically knowing them, and with me people aren't always understanding. 

"Yeah and you dont miss them, it's great" Says Zayn. I know the girls are stage side watching.. 

"What about you Harry? Do you ever get lonely?" He asks. 

"No, I mean most of the time we're just a big group of friends so it's nice" I say bluffing it out as Louis makes incredibly offputting faces at me. 

"No-one you've struck a special friendship with?" He says raising his eyebrows. Suddenly my heart beats a little quicker, what does he know.. 

"Err.. no" I say my cheeks heating rapidly as the other boys snigger. 

"Not even a certain un-named red-headed tour runner?" He says as the audience start shouting. Shit. Shit.Shit. All I can do is shake my head and laugh, it's what I do in all situations. 

"No, no we like to be good friends with all of our team" I smile. I hear Niall whisper to Zayn and they both crack up. 

"Friendship involves dragging them back to the hotel after a night out too yes?" He asks. 

"Oh definitely, Harry's friendship knows no boundaries" Smirks Louis, sort of helping me out of the situation but giving a cryptic message at the same time. 

"Well, good on you" Laughs the host. 

"Besides that.. when's your new video out?" He continues to ask questions but I find myself a little withdrawn now. I sort of let the boys take the lead and mumble in my usual fashion. But I know it sort of might be a little late. 

After all speculation spreads like wild fire in this fandom, and he's just mentioned Flora on America's biggest breakfast show. 

I can't help wondering if Flora has seen this, she's bound to be pissed off, I actually hope she's not on twitter. I know it's not my fault but she'll definitely blame me, and it pushes me one step further away to going out with her.  

The interveiw ticks by tediously as I nod every so often, it's announced we have to go prepare to sing Kiss You as we walk off waving.

I almost walk straight into Flora, she's standing quietly in the wings. 

"Woah, hey I'm so sorry about that!" I say almost pleadingly. 

"It's okay" She shrugs, Letting me follow her path through to the room where our change is. She starts unbuttoning my shirt as an awkward silence falls upon us, and she hands me what I need to wear.

I feel like I should say something, yet what is there to say? I'd want an in depth conversation and we sure as hell haven't got time for that right now. She ties my bowtie and I try and get eye contact but she's pretending to be concentrating hard. 

I'm about to start apologising again when Lou comes in, spray something into my hair for "volume" as Flora backs off and heads out the door. 

"Ugh" I mutter. 

"Harry, it's not your fault, the bloke gets paid to ask those questions, you awnsered the best way you can" Says Lou, attempting to reassure me. 

"Right, but she still hates me, and now it's out of my control" I mumble in frustration, 

"She'll come around, let her have space" Says Lou. 

"Fine.." I say still annoyed as someone comes and calls us to stage side. 

I come off from our performance, sweating buckets as usual. To my surprise, Flora isnt standing stage side with water or a towel for me, nor for any of us. I frown, undoing my bow tie and undoing the top few buttons on my shirt as I grab a bottle of water from the side and sidle my way the gaggle of exited girlfriends, heading towards the other boys. 

"It's alright for yous" I mutter. As I stride down the corridor pushing open dressing room doors, I nearly run into Paul  this time. 

"Woahh what's the rush?" He asked with a bemused expression

"Flora?! have you seen her!?" I ask. He frowns, clearly wondering what my rush and panic is. 

"Yeah, I let her off for her break early cus she wasnt feeling well..probably jetlagged" He says. 

"Where'd she go!?" I say still desperate to find her. 

"I told her to go nap in that room with the sofas or something" He says. 

"What room?" I ask. 

"Down the corridor to the left,you've got 20 minutes before promo shots" He says striding off. I rush into the room and stop abruptly as I see her huddled on the sofa, looking at her phone intently. She doesnt even notice at me until I make a point of clearing my throat, ruffling my hair. 

"Oh.. I didn't see you there" she says almost whispering. 

"Thought not.." I grin. As I take a seat next to her, sitting so close I'm probably breathing down her neck, she doesnt pay any attention to this.

 "What you looking at?" I ask. 

"Oh, just the fact that 'tour runner' seems to be trending on twitter" She says. 

"Shit really?" I ask, pulling out my own phone. 

"Yeah really" she mumbles moodily. 

"Oooo hot topic of speculation, you are" I laugh, she rolls her eyes at me. 

"Great, justtt great" She says putting her phone away with a sigh. She's not wrong ; my timeline is alight with rumours about me and Flora, it's already on youtube, me blushing like a fool when he mentions Flora, she just gives me a moody look as I watch the recap out loud but I stare her out and she ends up giggling. 

"You know the deal though... not quite yet" She says edging away from me slightly and placing her legs in my lap casually as she yawns and continues to awnser her texts. 

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