Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 17

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Flora p.o.v

"Weird, isn't it?" Harry comments absent mindedly as we step out onto the sandy track, a minute or two behind the others.

"Huh?" I reply confusedly, as I tie my hair into a high ponytail, eager to keep my hair off of my already sweltering cheeks. 

"Well the fact that it's January and 30 degrees here" He says.

"It is Sydney, Harry" I huff ,sounding a little more grumpy than I meant. We're nearly on the final leg of the tour, Australia, Sydney to be precise.

He looks at me pulling a silly face because of the way I expressed my last comment and I grin at him, accidentally letting my eyes wonder down his tanned torso as I quickly avert them down the track, giving my head a little wiggle so my black ray ban wayfarers fall into place over my eyes.

I can finally get an accurate view of the turquoise sea and white sand now that the sun isn't obscuring my vision. 

"Flora, stop a sec?" He says, pulling out his phone, no doubt to take a photo for instagram. 

"Fine" I mutter, rolling my eyes behind my sunnies, but grinning anyway. 

"I don't know why you don't just give up on this and become a photographer" I laugh.

"This pays better" He says nudging me playfully, probably just his own way of saying thanks for stopping with him, as we continue our walk down the track. 

By the time we reach the beach, my skin is so hot you could fry and egg on it. In hindsight it may have been a good idea to put more than just a bikini and denim shorts on, especially seeing as Ive got no sun cream on yet. 

We head over to where the others are gathered, Harry slings the denim shirt he was wearing onto a sun lounger and I dump my stuff next to his, following with my body as I lie down, soaking up the sun. 

"I reckon you'll get yourself a nice tan there, Flo" Harry laughs, because he knows full well I won't. He shifts to sit on the end of my sun lounger as he looks out on the glittering sea. 

"Oh pfft" I say sitting up reluctantly as I pull out my suncream from my bag doing my arms,stomach, chest and legs. I look up and see Harry watching on..

"Need some help?" Harry asks quickly before he can loose my gaze,spying an opportunity. 

"Emm yes please" I say turning my back to him and handing him the bottle with a shy smile. I feel his large hand touch my back softly as he places my long ponytail over my shoulders. 

"You're roasting" He chuckles softly as he smooths the cool suncream onto my back, bringing temporary relief to the heat. His hands movements are surprisingly comforting, feels like I'm getting a massage, I could fall asleep here and now. 

I snap out of it as Harry calls my name and I turn around as he blobs suncream on my nose - I grab the bottle from him before his slow reactions can even comprehend.

"Your turn" I grin devilishly, closing the lid of the bottle and shaking it. 

"Bring it" He says, leaning back on the sun lounger as straddle him and slap a sun cream smothered hand on his chest, leaving a perfect hand print I laugh as I rub it in and continue over the whole of his torso, which honestly isn't a bad job, Harry does look good tanned. 

I look up from his torso and realise he's been watching me intently. Or rather my body, I smirk tracing each of his cheeks with two fingers each side, giving him suncream war paint. 

He sits up, but im still straddling him so we end up nose to nose as he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my legs around his waist, hot skin on hot skin.

I laugh as his warm breath tickles my face, leaning away a little. I know full well this is not what I should be doing , but then it's our day off, work doesnt start until tommorow. I did also tell harry that I wasnt ready for a relationship, and that still stands, it's just harder when he's half naked..  and it probably works both ways. 

"Careful you two" I hear Niall's deep irish tinged chuckle from behind me, and look around, climbing off Harry awkwardly. He's standing hand in hand with Paige. 

"Yeah I thought 'nothing was going on' ?" She says, a smirk playing at her lips. As her and her boyfriend exchange looks. 

"It isn't!" I say standing up, and planting my feet on the silky sand. Frowning as I dig my foot in letting it trickle inbetween my toes, enjoying the soft tickling sensation and also enjoying the fact I'm avoiding the questioning stares. Aswell as that I'm incredibly glad the heat that's really getting to me is hiding my blushing cheeks. 

I give an awkward wave to Niall and Paige as I pick my way back to my sunlounger, I can feel Harry's gaze on me as I slip off my shorts, and lying back without even giving him a second glance, I let the sun warm my body, it feels good, I turn my face to the side and hear someone clear their throat. 

My eyes snap open and Harry is looking at me or rather my body, from his lounger next door, his green eyes alight, looking brighter than normal.. maybe it's the vivid colours everywhere. I still have my sunglasses on so I keep still, he has no idea,obviously thinks my eyes are closed. 

"Ever heard of sunbathing, rather than staring"  I say, visibly startling him. 

"Sorry, you're a distraction" He grins as I push my sunglasses up onto my head. 

"Fancy a walk?" He asks hopefully, still looking me up and down hungrily. 

"I suppose so, I'll get a more even tan if i'm walking about" I smile.

"More like a more even spread of freckles" He chuckles deeply, it's almost incoherent.

"What was that?" I demand, eyebrows raised, as I pull my shorts back on.

"You heard" He says revealing his teeth. I poke my tongue out at him as we head down to the where the turquoise waves are lapping the hot sand, heading diagonally to the right until we're walking parallel through the surf, I let my hair down so it covers where the sun feels like it's set my back on fire. 

Harry's hand slips into mine mid conversation, holding it secure, but tightly, like he wouldnt let me let go even if I wanted to. He flicks waves playfully up my legs as we chat, I soon see we're coming up to a busier section of the beach, especially as it gets closer to midday.

I wriggle my hand out of his, with an apologetic shrug, which he accepts by looking at me moodily, but breaking into a smile, flashing his perfect teeth at me, he knows how dangerous it is, public affection is not good, especially as we're not even going out. 

"Ice- Cream then?" He laughs, getting in one last touch, by tapping my bum lightly pushing me in the direction of the promenade, I give him a warning look but I cant help laughing as he shows me his dimples , ruffling his hair and leading the way. 

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