Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 20

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Harry p.o.v 

I ruffle my hair a couple more times, as I stare at myself in the mirror, I never 'get ready' , there's nothing to do - which means I'm always left with loads of spare time on my hands before going out. 

I shrug my black blazer on and flop down on the bed, looking out at the veiw, it's difficult to make out shapes because of the amount of lights obscuring everything. Las Vegas is beautiful, in it's own, artificially lit way. 

It's only 20 to 8, I want to text Flora, really badly, see if she's ready, but she won't be, she'll just brush me off and use it as an excuse to meet me at 5 past 8 instead. I find myself drifting off as I can in any situation and when I wake up it's 10 past 8 and someone in banging insistently at my door. I leave up having to flick my hair over and over as I go to the door because it feels like it's not sitting right.

"Jesus Christ take your time! The others are about to leave without us!"  A disgruntled looking Flora stands at my door. 

"Smile more, it's ruining your look" I say, letting my eyes sweep up and down her, taking in her heels , her mostly bare legs, a tight bodycon dress, her staight silky hair, a cleavage, and her face, still frowning at me in disgust at my last comment.

"Yeah well you're blazer has a massive crease in it, but what can you do?" She smirks triumphantly, grabbing my wrist which she cant get all the way around with her hand. 

"Whatever!" I mutter straightening out my blazer grumpily as she totters into the lift dragging me behind her. She lets go once the doors have closed and leans casually on the mirror, scuffing her foot impatiently as I watch her. 

"You excited for tonight?" I asked as she looks up from behind her curtain of hair that i'm desperate to run my fingers through, pushing it gently behind her ear. 

"I'm more nervous to be honest, Vegas is a big place" She says, biting her lip. 

"Not when you're with me it isn't, I'll make mince meat of vegas" I chuckle, slipping my phone into my pocket. 

"Right, okay Harry, but don't expect me to carry you home later, or hold your hair while you're being sick" She laughs. 

"I did it for you!" I say indignantly, even though I'd never get that drunk, it's quite difficult. 

"You got me drunk" She trills lightheartedly as the lift pings and she hops out as I follow close after, the lobby is buzzing, considering it's a saturday night at a smart hotel in vegas it's probably the norm. 

"Hi!" Bobby is the first one to adress us, as she embraces Flora.

We eventually manage to stop the chit chat and get to the first club, and we get into it no problem, even though Flora feels the need to half hide behind me. The bouncers on the door don't even look further than our security men. 

"Wow it's so cool in here!" Says Flora as we spread out, knowing we're safely inside. 

"Yeah, it's brilliant, lets get drinks" I say leading her straight over to the bar, ordering myself a beer and her malibu and coke, double measure of course. 

"Where'd the others go?" She asks, sipping her drink. 

"Fuck knows, we'll find them later" I say, downing my beer and getting another one. Forcing her to down her drink and take the second one ive bought before we go in search of the others. 

We're searching the bar when suddenly we round a corner. In front of us is a massive casino area, people are mustling about, poker tables span out in front of us and as I pull Flora through the crowd, my eyes wide I spot Louis. Leah is standing behind him, looking at his cards. He's sitting at the table with the guy dressed in black whose dealing and two other parties of people, his chips stacked in front of him. 

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