Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 9

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Flora p.o.v

 I sit on the leather sofa, inbetween Ellie and Paige as we watch the boys rehearse, they're not so good at concentrating with us in such close proximity.

I'm only on hand to get them whatever they like and I'm in and out doing odd jobs for everyone I mean I've spent most of the morning washing make-up brushes for Lou. Every time Harry looks at me I look down, I don't want to develop feelings for him I mean I'm sure he's like this with everyone, he went through a messy break-up and I will not be his rebound... 

They finish their song and we all clap laughing as they bow shoving each other. 

"We're going to go for lunch" Ellie adresses the boys, but she's still looking at Zayn the majority of the time. 

"Oh right?" Louis says. 

"Yeah, we saw this really cute place by the waterfront and you're hard at work so..." Shrugs Paige. 

"Flora you should come with" says Ellie, suddenly looking at me. 

"Nah.. I have work" I say feeling like a rabbit caught in headlights, I know the girls have been dying for a chance to ask about me and Harry. 

"Yeah.. I.. we need her here!" Points out harry folding his arms. I sigh, this makes the girls exchange giggly glances. 

"No! we can get our own bottles of water if we need them!" Says Louis giving Leah a wink and helping the girls out much to mine and Harry's disgust. 

"Yeah.. come on Flora" Says Bobby grabbing my wrist and pulling me up off the sofa with her as the other girls follow suit grabbing their coats as I pick mine up tactfully as Harry throws puppy dog eyes at me. I poke my tounge out at him as he grins back, shrugging on my leather jacket and winding my burberry scarf around my neck it's bloody freezing out there today. 

The girls give a quick goodbye to their boyfriends and harry nudges me as I look up at him. 

"I want you back in an hour?" He says letting his hand rest on my forearm softly. I look down and back up through my eyelashes as he pauses. 

"Yes boss!" I suddenly say making him jump as I step back from his hold and hover by the door as the girls filter out. 

They waste no time in interrogating me as soon as we get out the door. 

"So... Flora.." Ellie adresses me. 

"What is going on?" Paige finishes her sentence and although we're walking along the waterfront I can feel 4 sets of perfectly made-up eyes boring into me. I feel my cheeks flame.

"She's blushing!" exclaims Bobby. 

"Oh shutup im not.." I say rubbing my cheek. 

"Yeah just flushed from the cold right Flora?" giggles Leah sarcastically making all the other girls snigger. 

"Yeah.. exactly?" I say almost questioningly. 

"Just spill! did you have sex?" Asks Leah as all ears are tuned in. 

"No!" I squeal my cheeks burning up again despite the air being icy. 

"Oh my god they totally had sex" says Paige grinning at me. 

"We didn't!" I say, getting more and more worked up as we arrive at the resteurant, they all laugh at me inwardly as we're seated, I'm stuck right in the middle of one side, sandwhiched between Bobby and Leah and opposite Paige and Ellie.

"So anyway... you had sex... how did it go, what was he like?" Asks Bobby exitedly. 

"Yeah we need to add him to the scale" Says Leah. 

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