Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 36

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Harry p.o.v

"Nervous?" I ask as our car pulls up in front of the venue, I can see there are swarms of paps ,and security outside waiting to escort our guests in. But as Paul has been saying, paps are what we want. I watch the figures get swarmed and security step in, our car pulls a little forward so as it's directly in front of the door , Flora hasn't even replied to my question but her hands aren't half sweaty. 

I see as I take my first step into the freezing air, that there are clusters of fans behind all the paps and there is alot more security than I originally thought, I hear the fans shout at me and Flora, that's mixed with the deep voices of the paps, calling us to look at their camera's so they can get a money shot. 

Our security back off a little, my guess is that it's Paul's instruction so that they can get as many shots as possible. 

"Show us the rings!" Someone shouts to my right. I drop Flora's left hand which I'm holding and replace it with letting my arm snake around her waist. She holds her hand daintily in the direction of the voice as I smile into some flashes that almost blind me. 

We eventually manage to get in, taking longer than everybody else because well I suppose we're the whole point of the party. 

"That wasn't so bad was it?" I laugh, rubbing my hand up and down her cold arms which were on show in the freezing air outside, we're let straight through into the area where the music is playing and it's already full up. 

I know most of the showbizzy people who are there and obviously all our personal friend's so we have trouble reaching the bar without getting flagged down for a chat or an exchange of congratulations. 

By the time we reach the bar it must have been half an hour as I order drinks for Me and Flora. A man comes over to us just as I manage to spy Louis and Leah. 

"Hey, I'm Michael, I work for The Sun, I just wondered if you'd awnser some questions?" He asks, whipping out a notebook and a pen from his pocket quicker than you could click your fingers. 

"Sure" I shrug grinning.

"Great, so I just wanted to know how you're adapting to this.. Flora... it must be a bit weird right?" He says,  of course they all wanna speak to Flora, words probably got round that she's a bit shy, I watch her encouragingly as she opens her mouth. 

"It's actually been alot better than I was expecting, I was really dreading it but you  realise that all people and the majority of Harry's fans are actually really lovely about it, so i'm sort of glad we don't have to hide anything anymore" She gushes happily, good acting or maybe she really means it.

"Yeah, they weren't as scary as you might think, and it's like I always say, if I love her then they have to" I shrug, pulling her tighter to me. He seems a little taken aback by Flora's perfect awnser.. then again he is from The Sun, always looking for some way to dish the dirt. 

"How do you feel about this.. the party and stuff, because obviously you only wanted it to be a small affair, was this your idea?" He asks Flora again. 

"It was mine actually, we just thought it would be a nice idea for the people we love to celebrate how happy we are too, and sort of experience it with us" I interject. 

"Right.. I see.." He says noting it down.

"Did I do okay?" She asks as we finally manage to escape the journalist sidetracking to a corner of the club. 

"You did amazingly!" I kissing her on the forehead to show my appreaciation, just as Flora's mum comes up to us with my mum and dad. 

"You know what I've been asked so many questions about you already tonight, I've run out of awnsers!" Flora's mum exclaims. 

"I said she'll probably get used to it soon! there's always something someone wants to know, I said she needs to get on twitter too" Says my mum. 

"Right... yeah mum you should!" Says Flora nodding and chewing on the straw in her drink as her bright eyes survey the figures that are crowded into the club. 

It's later on now and me and Flora have been inseperable, not that,that is difficult anyway because she's scared and doesnt know anyone, but we've been doing full on Romeo and Juliet all evening, I'm standing outside the toilets, smilling at each familliar face that goes in and out. 

Suddenly I noticed a girl, tall...very skinny, with blonde/brown hair and a tiny gold dress. She sweeps the room and locks eyes with me. 

How the fuck did Isla get in here. 

I look down, trying to think fast, I'm about to turn and swoop quickly into the mens toilets but she's there already.

"Hey Baby, long time no see!" She exclaims happily.. but there's a note of over exaggeration in her voice, she wraps her long arms around me and hugs me, she's a smilliar size to me, if not taller in those heels. 

She draws back her cold hand sweeping mine. 

"Hi Isla, how are you?" I say coldly. Wishing I could get rid of her before Flora comes out 'stay in there a little longer' I will her silently. 

"I'm great, y'know, busy busy, I was in St.Tropez on a shoot actually, anyway congrats..." She says with a blatantly fake smile, set over gritted teeth. Suddenly Flora emerges before I can excuse myself to 'go to the toilet' 

"It's the girl herself, congratulations Laura.. Flora! Sorry!" She does her snidey happy voice again, grabbing a stunned Flora almost aggresively as she hugs her. I snatch Flora to my side as soon as she lets go. 

"Yeah, it's Flora, it's really nice to meet you, Isla" She says with a fake smile also probably, but it's alot nicer than Isla's. 

"It's funny, like I never had you down as Harry's type, I thought he liked them taller.. and skinnier, but that's a rebound and a drunk mistake isnt it " She laughs dismissively.I feel Flora take the insult as her shoulders tense and she lets out another smile.

"She wasn't a rebound or a mistake, I love her" I interject angrily.

"I guess you think you know someone, and you don't.." Flora shrugs, working her arm gently around my waist as she makes the contact between us closer still. I see Isla recoil a little, she obviously wasn't expecting that. 

"Yeah, pfft, right" Isla says a little sassily, I'm not sure who she's replying to.

"Have a nice marriage..." She continues bitchily. Strolling into the toilets. I have a feeling this isn't the last of her, Flora's comeback has probably only stirred her up. 

I drag Flora away from the toilet door as Isla is going to come bounding out sooner rather than later. 

"Flo, are you okay? I don't even know how she got in, she's a fucking crazy bitch" I say. 

"Yeah I understand.. she's sort of right isn't she" Flora says. 

"No she's not!" I say getting angry again, accidentally tightening around Flora's small upper arm. 

"Well whatever.. I don't wanna argue about it, can we go.. because my head hurts?" She mumbles in clear dismay. 

"Sure, lets go say goodbye" We whip round saying goodbye, making excuses about leaving our own party, but Paul says it's okay. On our way out , I stop by a large security man. 

"Can you get Isla out please? She's not welcome in here, she shouldn't have been let in" I say, guiding Flora through the consistent camera flashes as we emerge into the rainy evening. 

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