Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 29

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Flora p.o.v

"Holy shit, she bores me to death" I grumble as we pull up at the 4th and final house of the day. 

"This could be the one" Harry says optimistically. 

"Not likely" I say. 

"God,Flora this our first marital home, it is an exiting, once in a lifetime experience, which we should embrace and enjoy" He says, with a laugh. I look at him, teeth gritted, nostrils probably flared. 

"Lighten up" He says, flicking me under the chin so I jerk my head away. 

"You love this, dont you?" I say grumpily as we get out the car, and lean on the bonnet just as the estate agent we've had all day drives round the corner and pulls in.

"Oh I do" He says, his face perfectly normal but I can tell from his eyes he's laughing inwardly, he slides his hand onto my bum, letting it rest there gently, knowing I can't protest because he is my husband. 

Because he is my husband, we are now expected to be happily married, thus - buy a house. 

I change my attention to surveying the house as the boring woman rants on about period features, and the outer exterior, when it was built etc. I find myself starting to quite like it. It's In Mayfair, roughly where most of the houses have been today. I realise If you turn around there is a view of Hyde Park. 

Though it's not very wide, it has four stories, a typical red brick, London town house, but it's on the end, so it's semi-detatched, a black door and black railings, but still really cute. 

"Anyway! Let's go in.." I snap out of it as she says this, tuning my attention into her as she opens the gate with a metallic creak and pulls out a bronze key. 

"Do you like it?" Harry whispers as she unlocks the front door. I look at him, not wanting to give the game away. 

"I guess we'll look inside first" I say, but I can't help revealing a little smile. As we step in I take in the modern decor and neutral colours, surprisingly it fits the old wooden basswork of the house well, I must say it's really pretty. She leads us first into 'one' of the reception rooms explaining that there hasnt been anyone living here for 6 months because the previous owners moved to L.A , that's why it's completely empty. 

The winter light floods through the old bay windows, lighting up the large echoey room, the floorboards are a soft whitewashed pine, alike the one's in the hall. The fireplace looks victorian, which I suppose it is considering the time the house was built, it's actually really,really nice. 

Luckily the woman doesn't dwell long, leading us back down the hall, showing us the ground floor bathroom, which is really modern, all black and white and shiny, something tells me an interior designer or something used to own this house. 

I'm actually not prepared for how amazing this room is. It's a kitchen diner with an island big enough to seat 6+ people comfortably round, the counters are shiny white marble, running right the way around half the room, I think I would need to build up my stamina just to get around here. Once the kitchen units stop the wall is replaced by ceiling to floor length windows and french doors, looking out onto a patio with a fairly large garden for central London, cute little flower beds are lining the sides and what looks like decking and a hot tub at the end. 

The other half of the room is presumably where a dining table would go, and there's probably room for sofa's too, the space is just extensive and the colour scheme, cleverly makes it look even bigger. 

"There's alot to get through! This way!" She says with a smile, walking back out into the hall as Harry pulls me behind him, me being eager to stay and admire the kitchen further. The next 'reception room' is directly above the first, then next to that is a utility room, with units for a washing machine and such. Then through an adjoining door, a large office, well she calls it an office, but I guess it can be anything you like. 

Above the kitchen is another bathroom, this time the main one, it's pretty damn huge.. and it seems to have a shower room, which is crazy, I didn't even know they existed, aswell as a jacuzzi bath. 

We're soon on the 3rd Floor, She shows us two bedrooms of a similar size, above where the two reception rooms would be. she then shows us a small back bedroom opposite the stair well and finally the huge master bedroom, with a view over our garden and you can see quite alot of mayfair, then an en-suite bathroom with his & hers sinks and everything.  This house has three bathrooms THREE.

Harry nudges me as we mount the 4th lot of stairs. 

"Do you like it yet?" He asks, grinning at me, knowing it's a no-brainer. I nod but I turn back around as I realise we've reached the top of the stairs. 

Harry is staring, impressed,over my shoulder I turn round and see the final floor is almost entirely open plan apart from like a divider wall which is entirely made up of shelves, there's a large window at the very back of the room, through the large doorway the shelves form with a big padded platformed area, a bit like a giant window seat. 

"This is actually amazing" I can't help saying as I walk forward onto the platform bit, running my hand over the soft cushion.. it feels almost like a bed. 

"Isn't it" I hear Harry behind me. 

"I can leave you here to have a chat about it, this house is just on the market actually, we thought we'd offer it to you first, so if you want to make an offer, quicker is best" She says as she makes her way out of the attic and we hear her heels fade away on the stairs.

"You love it don't you?" He says, looking at me, eyebrows raised, lips parted in a smile as he leans on the shelf arch way. 

I nod, looking over at him where I'm perched on the edge of the cushioned seat. 

"Good, 'cus I do too. So, shall we get it? I'll pay whatever it takes.. on the spot" I say. 

"Hmm.. I don't know..maybe we should look a little more first?" I ask. But I would actually love to get it over and done with, I'm just sort of nervous about sealing my future. 

"Hm.. how about, you have the attic, all to yourself, we'll paint it whatever colour you want.. and you can have whatever furniture you want, your own space, you can fill these walls with posters of The Wanted, I'll put a lock and key on the door if you want? Please, it's just perfect and I'll have the office.. and I can have recording stuff in there and the walls can be soundproofed, it'd just be so good.. and we don't even have to be proper married.. like if we want space we just go to our places right? Please Flo?" He finishes, notes of exasperation playing up in his voice. I find myself smirking, almost a little emotional by his speech. 

"Harry, I would love to share this house with you, you don't have to lock the attic,you can even have an xbox up here, and i dont want any posters of The Wanted - even though Max George is quite hot" I say. He looks at me a grin spreading across his lips, his dimples standing out. I hug him gently letting my head     press against his chest just as the estate agent comes back, we break apart, almost guiltily. 

"Oh don't mind me" She says laughing at us as Harry fumbles for my hand. Harry laughs awkwardly back at her. 

"So, have you made a decision?" She asks. 

"Yeah, we want to take it, we'll just better whatever anyone else offers okay? We really want it" He says. 

"Great, well if we move quickly.. we could have it sorted by the end of the day, so come back to the offices from here and we'll start paperwork" She says smiling at us as we head back downstairs.

"They'll be expecting baby news soon" Harry laughs quietly in my ear. 

"Oh not fucking likely" I grumble at him.

Feels weird to be married and now buying a house everything is just moving so quickly I can't keep up with it mentally. 

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