Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 14

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Harry p.o.v

I look out of my window on our first morning in New York, it's 11am and a sunny, but freezing day. The veiw from the hotel where we always stay is great as always, looks out right over the deep reds and oranges of central park. 

Surprisingly I'm not too jetlagged, but me and the other lads are used to it. We also have a day off which is good because I've got a chance to go out for lunch with Flora.

It's just coming up to half 11 as I shrug my shearling aviator coat on and my beanie, putting my phone and wallet in my pocket as I lock up my hotel room. I turn around and come almost face to face with Liam. 

"Harry" He says. 

"Liam!" I say in surprise. 

"I wanted to talk to you, me and the boys, were just wondering something.. " He asks.

"Yes..?" I nod impatiently, checking my watch. 

"Well... about Flora, what's going on with her..?" He asks. 

"Nothing.. she won't let there be" I frown. 

"Well we mean about you.. you're serious about liking her? you're not just messing her about because she's a really lovely g-" I cut him off.

"Of course I'm serious! I really like her Liam!" I protest. 

"Woah okay, chill, well good luck 'cus the girls said she doesnt even like discussing it" Says Liam sheepishly. My heart kind of drops and I shrug dissapointedly. 

"It's okay..  hopefully she'll come round" I say. 

"Yeah.. anyway have a nice lunch... date.. lunch date!" Liam finishes striding into the lift. I laugh and walk down the corridor to flora's room. Knocking twice quickly, she awnsers it looking as fresh faced as ever her hair in a messy bun and wrapped up warm with layers under her furry coat, paired with black skinny jeans and brown pixie boots.

"Morning, babe" I grin as she steps out of her room, locking it. 

"Hey" She says brightly. 

"You okay?" I ask. 

"Yeah, bit jetlagged, you?" She says as we set off down the corridor. 

"Aw i'm okay, used to all that" I grin. 

"I bet you are" she says with a yawn. 

We're soon on our way through central park, it's fairly empty and the sun is shining bright even though it's freezing. 

"Have you ever been to New York before?" I ask. 

"Nope, I've always wanted to though.." She says thoughtfully. 

"Oh yeah? well you can have Harry's grand tour today" I laugh. 

"Wow, anybody would think you know the place like the back of your hand, New York born and bred" She laughs. 

"You're a nice Doll, let harry take you for some coffee and doughnuts" I say in my best new york accent. Which is actually quite bad, probably why she bursts out laughing.

"Coffee? Where do you reccomend?" She laughs, playing along. 

"Well no-where inparticular, but I got a plan" I say, normally now. 

"Well, lead the way then?" She says as we emerge onto the busy streets of Manhattan. 

"Gladly" I grab her hand, giving her a look before she can protest, purely for purposes of not loosing her, and because I want to obviously, but she doesn't have to know that. I know roughly where I'm going as I weave through the numbered avenue's and stop at a stand; it's selling coffee and doughnuts. 

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