Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 18

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Harry p.o.v

I pick my way cautiously over the front of the boat, the hot surface burning my feet as I sit down great fully on my towel, the early afternoon sun is still shining bright, and after spending the morning on the beach we decided to get on a yacht, and well, yachts are always fun. 

I nudge Flora's hot skin gently, as she opens her eyes and sits up from sunbathing, I hand her, her drink. 

"Thanks" she flashes me a little grin looking into her drink, and stirring the straw around making the ice cubes rattle. Just then Leah comes over, interrupting what I'm about to say. 

"Do you have your suncream Flora? 'cus Louis hasn't put any on, thinks he's invincible as per" She laughs rolling her deep brown eyes, as I look up at her. 

"Sure" Flora says hopping up, and walking over to where she left her bag, I watch her bum as she bends down to get it out and earn myself a kick in the leg from Leah.

"Stop being so horny" She says smirking as Flora comes back handing her the suncream bottle and she strides off, giving me an 'im watching what you're doing together' look as she kneels down next to a sunbathing Louis. 

I look back at Flora whose sipping her drink and looking out at the pretty incredible view. 

Thing that most annoys me about this weather is the fact that to get in close proximity of someone it's really difficult, cus no-one wants someone all over them in heat like this. 

I'm about to suggest we go for a swim in the beautifully turquoise water, when Niall does it for me, interruppting us with a large splash where he's bombed it off the boat into the sea, and paige, slips daintily in after him. 

"Wanna go for a swim?" I ask the question anyway, she seems to be eyeing the water almost wearily. 

"Err I don't know" She says, biting her lip, but setting her drink down anyway as I get up, gesturing to her to take my hand. She obliges as we walk to the edge of the boat. 

"Go on, ladies first" I say, the bright waves are lapping the edge of the boat gently, there's not even any motion.  Only gentle splashing from Niall and Paiges general direction. 

"Harry I can't, I'm scared of Open Water, terrified actually" She says, backing away a little. 

"Really!? I had no idea, sorry" I say, apologetically. 

"It's cool" She says with a shrug. 

"Sure you don't wanna take a dip, nothing will get you, look you can pretty much see right through to the bottom!" I say, trying to  be reassuring.

"No, but if you wanna go in, I'll be fine here" She says, sitting down cross legged on the very edge of the boat, refusing to even have her legs dangling over the edge, I however let my feet dip in the cool water, suddenly I feel a weight on my back and before I know it a splash has sounded in my ears and im in the salty water, I surface easily treading the water, laughing until I remember... 

Flora surfaces, spluttering hysterically as I pull her to me. 

"Sorry!" Louis calls as he walks away laughing, of course he has no idea. 

"Are you okay!?" I ask, as she clings to me, her legs wrapped around my waist and I feel her chest move against mine every time she coughs a little more. 

She eventually calms down enough to nod, but she doesnt let go of me. Looking around the never ending extent of sea, her breathing is heavy. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I say laughing, not at how scared she is, but at the fact she said she was okay, and clearly isn't. 

"No.. " She just about manages to spit out. 

"Didn't think so, you do realise there's nothing that's gonna hurt you?" I say, as I listen to her breathing steady, she's still holding on for dear life as I support her easily with one arm. 

"I don't wanna think about it" She says, looking around quickly, her eyes darting about,I can see why people find it scary but I struggle to find it anything other than beautiful. 

"See, it's fun" I say, gesturing to where Niall and Paige are splashing each other a few ft from where we're still within shadow of the boat. 

"No, I don't like it, I wanna get out" She whimpers into my neck. 

"Ah come on, it's okay I've got you!" I say, she pushes away from me and I let her go easily, but she seems stumped, not to mention terrified on her own as she paddles a little to keep herself afloat but is soon back in my arms. 

I'm suddenly distracted by something I see over her shoulder as she nags at me to come back on the boat, for a moment I tense, about to shout out to everyone, as I see a fin surface. But then I realise as I see another, it's not a shark, it's a group of dolphins and they're on track to come right past. 

Flora suddenly looks around, and a squeal erupts from her mouth. 

"Shark! THERE'S A SHARK!" she screams and I pin her to the edge of the boat, still treading water, as she struggles against me. I cover her mouth muffling her squeals as everyone turns to watch the fins approaching. 

"Flora they're dolphins!" I mutter to her as she stops struggling. But is clinging to me tighter than ever as one of the dolphins rises out of the water, perfectly streamlined and alot bigger in person, it sploshes back into the water and another one takes it's place, nearer this time, I can hear people ooh-ing and ahh-ing above us on the boat. 

They're soon diving past us, must be about ten or twelve of them, I can hear Flora's hot, quick breath breath in my ear  and I have to hold onto the boat to stop us both from being swept into their strong current. 

A fairly small one, probably a baby, takes it's leap and we're splashed completely, and we watch them clear off into the distance.

It leaves Flora half gasping half whimpering into my ear, it was pretty amazing.. and I suppose quite scary. I look at her. 

"Cool right?" I laugh, she nods in awe, as we make our way gently around the side  of the yacht onto the sloping bit where we're able to climb back onto the boat, I push Flora up first and she pulls as I take her hand. 

We grab our towels and flop down. 

"I'm sorry I freaked" is the first thing she says, her hair already drying under the still bright sun, trailing down her back, almost to her waist, her eyes shining.

"It's cool, glad that I could be your life jacket for a bit" I laugh, ruffling my damp curls that are already starting to spring back.

"Sorry about that too..." She murmurs, looking up at me through her wet lashes, lips parted slightly. I lean forward and plant my lips softly upon hers tasting the salt momentarily, before I hear Niall and Paige climb onto the boat noisily and then stop, Flora almost leaps back and looks at her freckle covered knee's guiltily. 

"Didnt mean to interuppt" chuckles Niall, throwing Paige a look, and she smirks, he then looks at Flora, and me amusedly, before they stride off to find the others. 

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