Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 26

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Harry p.o.v

The first thing I open my eyes to is the light, I squeeze them shut again, letting out a sigh as pain runs through my temples, I don't even contemplate where I am , the rattle of metal sounding as I sit up clumsily. I look around the room. 

This is no hotel. 

The walls are a sickly pale shade of green, the floor is speckled white linoleum, A chair sits in the corner, a limp cushion on it, and my bed, white metal, and thin, scratchy, white sheets. 

"Ugh" I mutter. 

I'm not sure what happened, panic sets in a little, the corridor outside looks dark and empty, the shit light in my room white and horrible. 

I hate hospitals. 

Then I remember, we were in the car, Flora was talking.. or ranting and then, I remember hitting my head. Wait.. where is Flora!? Where were the others? did we hit one of their cars?

I leap out of bed, and yelp as a searing pain shoots up my leg, sprouting from around my ankle. I whimper softly as I sit back down on the bed, inspecting my leg, there's awful bruising all over my left foot and it's swollen up compared to the other one.

I suddenly catch the reflection of myself in the mirror next to the small TV, I have a large red/purple bruise across my cheek, I touch it tenderly, the pain it brings almost pulls my breath away from me. 

"Hmngh" I mumble trying to get my head straight. 

I need to find Flora, I look around the room spying my white shirt and jeans on the chair, actually my suitcase is in the corner.. and my phone on the side, I didn't even notice. 

I try ringing Flora. It's off, I try ringing everyone else, phones off. 

What if... what if one of them didn't make it?! I start to panic, stuck in this nasty, horribly clean smelling room, unable to walk off. I reach over getting my clothes, pulling off the hideous hospital gown, I'm halfway into easing my jeans over my ankle causing myself intense agony when, the door opens, I almost jump half way across the room. Apart from the fact I'm an invalid...

"Mr.Styles are you okay?" Asks a Nurse, she's American of course... I'm pretty sure I'm still in Vegas, we didnt get very far. 

"Yeah.. yeah I'm Good!" I say my voice going a little out of control as I pull my skinny jeans on quickly over in my ankle, bearing the brunt of the pain. 

"I don't think you're going anywhere too soon, but you had morphine an hour ago so you'll live" She says ushering me back to sit on the bed as I try to get up. Bending down and rolling up my trouser leg to reveal my ugly ankle. She presses in a few places, and I bite my tongue to stop myself from making a noise. When she's done I can finally ask. 

"Where is everyone!? Are they alright?!" I ask, letting myself panic a little. 

"Yes, you and..." She looks at her sheet. I see her eyebrows raise slightly.

"...Mrs.Styles, got the worst, there was a pile up, and the car you were in got the initial impact" She says, gently. 

"Shit! How long have I been out?! What happened to them!? Where are they!? Where's Flora!? Is she okay!? Please tell me she's oka-"I fire questions at her but the nurse cuts me off. 

"She'll be alright ,two cracked ribs, a bit of concussion, and a greenstick fracture, but we're keeping her knocked out until most of the pain has gone, you've been out about 3 hours, the others all just had a bit of whiplash and and some cuts and bruises,  you can go and see them in a second if you'd like" She says quietly, I'm finding it so hard to get my head around stuff. 

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