Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 12

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Harry p.o.v

I keep loosing sight of Flora as she dips into the busiest part of the crowd, I find myself stuck with a group of girls as I watch a tall blonde guy approach her and start dancing next to her. He whispers something in her ear and she nods smiling up at him as her hips moves close to his, but I notice she shoots a look over at me. 

I did kind of bring this on myself. One of the girls suddenly starts to grind on me and I literally shove my way out of the group and towards Flora, but she whispers something to the lad and dashes off as he followers after her with his eyes a little taken aback. she suddenly makes a u turn and I loose her again, luckily we're at the edge and it starts to thin out as I see her sit down at a table probably out of breath but grinning to herself. She crosses her legs, playing with a strand of her hair as she waits.. I'm about to shout her name above the music when someone grabs my arm. 

It's Josh, 

"Flora gving you the run around mate?" He shouts laughing. 

"Not for much longer.." I shout, my teeth slightly gritted as I go over to her.

"Where the fuck did you go!?" I ask pulling her onto her feet and close to me. 

"Just for a wonder.. I mean you seemed to have other ideas so.." She smirks, but she's not looking me right in the eyes, her gaze is trailing off to the left and her cheeks are flushed.. 

"Fine! how about.. to settle the score.. we have a cheeky shot competition, you beat me once you can beat me again right?" I say.

"Oh I could sooo beat you again!" She says slurring a bit. 

"Okay.. wait here. Don't move I'll be two minutes!" I say going to the bar.. ordering 5 shots each, even though she'll probably be wrecked after 3.. 

I carry them back where she's talking to Zayn and Ellie, they're laughing to her. 

"Harry... don't you think she's maybe had enough?" Asks Ellie. 

"Noo, just getting started, right Flora?" I say putting the tray down. 

"Definitelyyyy" I says slurring the end of the word as I smirk at her. 

"Fine.. we'll em catch you two later" Zayn gives me a warning frown as Ellie leads him back onto the dancefloor. 

"Ready for this then?" I sit down opposite Flora unloading the shots and lining up five in front of her.. I watch her as she concentrates on the shots. 

"Floraaa.. You ready?"I ask. 

"Oh. yeah!" She giggles, grabbing her first shot and getting a cheeky head start. I'm not letting her get away with that as I do mine like lightening and finish only slightly more intoxicated than before, Flora's somehow only just doing her last one. 

She slams it on the table and then looks at me with genuine confusion as she see's mine are already empty and i'm casually waiting for her. 

"Did I win?" She asks exitedly.

"No gorgeous you didnt..." I laugh.

"Lets have a rematch!"I exclaim, as I watch her sliding the shot glasses distractedly around the table. 

"Okay.. I'm gonna go to the toilet.. I'll meet you back here in two!" She says but not even looking at me as she gets up quickly, too quickly and uses the table to steady herself. I don't have a chance to respond as I watch her totter off in the vague direction of the toilets. 

She is totally gonna get lost. 

I don't bother going to the bar.. I don't think she could handle anymore alcohol anyway, instead I fight my way through the crowd towards the toilets and I lean on the doorway outside the ladies, after about 5 minutes Flora still hasnt emerged and I give up on waiting.. I just go in.. it's late enough that no-one cares whose doing what in the toilets. 

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