Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 27

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Flora p.o.v

"Hello?" I call loudly, the only thing echoing back at me is my own voice. 

Great an empty house, it'sTuesday afternoon, of course mum is still at work. 

To be honest I'm jet lagged and in pain, and not looking forward to feeling the wrath of how irresponsible i've been when I see the mum for the first time since I left on tour, got married and was in a car crash. But I've missed her, and my house.. and ahhh my bedroom. 

I dump my suitcase on the floor, diving on my bed and closing my eyes for a few seconds, enjoying my familliar surroundings. A power nap is most definitely in order. 

I didn't extend the invitation for Harry to come in, I know he needs to meet mum but today is not the day. 

I do feel a little mean... I mean he is my husband for the forseeable future. I also feel mean on mum, I got married and she found out by walking into Sainsbury's and seeing me on a newspaper, then I scare her half to death by being battered in a car crash. 

I shrug off my flight clothes, feeling grotty and achey as I head into the bathroom, running myself a steaming bubble bath while I go downstairs and get myself a cup of tea. I really have missed my usual dwellings. I leave my phone on my bed as I take my dressing gown off.  

I catch sight of myself in the mirror, the bruising on my ribs deep purple. 

"Ugh" I run my fingers over it in disgust. I slip into the bath with a sigh, letting the water engulf my aching muscles, these ribs have been alot more hassle than I thought, I keep finding myself short of breath and that really panics me, but they're on the mend.. or so I've been told. 

I'm splashing hot water onto my tired face when I notice the rings.

"Fuck" I mumble, I just forget about them I mean I try my best not to keep the situation in the forefront of my memory, I slip them off, putting them on the corner of the bath as I lean back closing my eyes and feeling relaxed for a total of 30 seconds before I hear a different kind of ring. 

The doorbell, does mum not own a key? Well I hope it's mum.. or one of my friends, I am in need of a massive catch-up.

"COMING!" I shout, getting up as quickly as is possible and grabbing a towel, wrapping it around under my arms and making sure i'm holding it tight as I take to the stairs. The knocker persists. 

"Jesus Christ!" I laugh as I open the door , certain it's one of my friend's being funny. I'm a little taken aback when I see Harry standing there, still looking dishevvelled from the flight, he can't have been home yet. 

"You left your Jacket in my car.." He grins, passing it to me. 

"Oh...." I say, feeling goosebumps from the freezing air form on my bare, wet shoulders. 

"Thanks would be nice.." He says, as he cracks a smile at the end. 

"I'm sorry.. I mean thankyou, emm come in?" I say, shivering. Purely just to shut the door, I was looking forward to alone time.  

"No.. you're busy, I'll go.." He says eyeing my current get-up, but he looks a hell of a lot like he wants to come in. 

Just then I hear a car door slam, I had totally not been concentrating when I saw mums car pull up as she gets out. 

"Flora!" She says, rushing forward without even a second glance at mine and Harry's awkward at the door-towel situation, she pulls me into a hug and I hug her awkwardly with one arm using the other one to hold my towel up. 

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