Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 23

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Flora p.o.v

Every time I look at my hands a cold current runs through me.. I want to take them off, but I just feel like I shouldn't. I also feel completely on edge, especially as I go out into the huge music store where fans are queuing up for the boys and have been for hours. 

I'm doing my own bit of queuing in the line of the small starbucks, in the far corner of the 2nd floor of the shop, getting coffee for everyone.When some girls come over to me, or rather Lux, who is gargling from her buggy beside me, Lou asked if I could take her for a walk with me to get her to try sleep while she gets the boys ready. 

"Awh!" They coo, clearly One Direction fans. I mean I'm no sherlock holmes but two of them have 1D tops on and they're all clutching a copy of the latest album. 

"Is she yours?" One of them asks, they all clearly suspect that she's baby Lux. As the girl looks up there's a flash of recognition in her eyes, now she knows the baby isn't mine. 

"No, I'm just looking after her" I say with a smile. 

"Oh, what's her name?" Asks the blonde haired girl, showing me a set of pink braces as she smiles. 

"Lux" I say with a smile, the girls smile back exitedly.

"Aw, she's even cuter in real life" Says the blonde one bending down by her buggy, I'm eager to get them to piss off quickly, because I know neither Lou or Tom like her being in close contact with fangirls. 

"Yeah" I laugh, as the one with the brown bobbed hair looks at me. 

"I know you! you're Flora" She says, as her friends look up. 

"Yep.. hi" I say, I know I'm blushing, I hate being recognised, I'm just me, and anyway these girls are going to hate me when it all gets out. Speaking of 'it.' I wind the fabric on my top round my fingers, probably half anxiety, but also trying to hide the truth. 

"Can we have a photo...?" Asks one of them, I panic a little. 

"Er.. yeah sure" I say, laughing nervously.. why do they want a photo with me? why? why? Two of them stand next to me, one takes a photo and they swap as I give apologetic looks to the guy whose waiting to serve me. Finally they shuffle off to join the already mammoth queue. 

"Hey" says the boy, I look up, pausing a little as my mouth goes dry, he's pretty bloody attractive. My eyes flicker down to his name badge. 

"Emm.. I'm Sam, can I help you?" He asks with a soft laugh, as he see's me staring at his tag. His accent is even nicer. 

"I'm Flora.. Shit! Sugar! Sorry.. Can I have 2 Caramel Macchiato's, 3 Vanilla Spice Latte's, One Peppermint Mocha, and these bottles of water please" I say my order, red faced. It's not busy in here so it means there's no production line, just him making all the drinks while I stand there looking at Lux as she stares back. 

"Help me Lux" I mumble as she gargles back at me, holding out her toy bear which is sopping wet from where she's been gumming it. 

"Huh?" Says Gorgeous Sam. 

"I was.. just talking to the baby, I think she's tired" I say awkwardly, picking her up and bouncing her on my hip , she's clearly wide awake. 

"Right.. is she yours?" He asks, looking at me, where he's jabbing buttons on the coffee machine. What is it with that question, I'm not a teen mum. I notice his eyes are the most gorgeous shade of dark blue, his dirty gold coloured hair tousled into a short quiff, not structured like Zayns, just so. 

"No.. I'm just looking after her for a friend" I say. 

"Oh.. so why did those girls want a picture? I bet you're dating one of the band members" He says, I think I'm in love with his accent.. and his biceps at that. 

"No.. no I'm not dating anyone" I say. Well. that came out wrong. Kinda. 

"Really, well I'm surprised" He winks at me, I look at the floor biting my lip, trying to conjur up some kind of confidence or atleast something to say. 

"I err.. I just work for them" I say, trying to change the subject, As I quickly remove my hand from the counter where I'm tapping my fingers absent mindedly, busying myself strapping Lux back into the buggy. 

"Oh right, how does it feel to be in the position all those girls would kill for?" grins, moving the cups into holders, looking at me through his eyelashes, and then looking right at me, though he's gesturing to the snaking line going right across the shop floor which is atleast 4 girls deep. 

"Just the day job" I smile, passing Lux her dummy, as he puts the two cup holders on the counter. 

"Need some help carrying them? I take it you're only in the back rooms?" He says. I eye the drink holders, not really keen on accepting help but I might need it. 

"Yeah.. sure if that's okay" I raise my eyebrows.

"Sure,we're not busy here, they're all queing and any normal member of the public would be mad to brave the onslaught" He says, it does make sense. 

"Okay, thankyou" I say greatfully as he goes through the gap at the end of the counter, he scoops up the two holders easily with his large,tanned hands. 

"Lead the way" He says as I take the buggy. I walk the long route around the mass of fangirls, I even hear a couple of people call my name, but I don't wanna acknowledge it, besides I have to keep on my toes awnsering sams questions, Nick from security lets us both past and we go around the back of the huge banners that have been ressurected and through the door into the large set of offices.

One of which has been cleared and sofas have been put there. I feel eyes settle on us as we enter the room. 

"Thanks for the help" I say stopping the buggy an releasing Lux, she toddles over to Lou, hugging her leg where she's doing Zayn's hair. 

No problem, Laters Flora" He says, his accent when he says my name makes me feel a little dizzy. I take the holders from him as he taps me on the arm and leaves with a little wave. I notice a scrap of paper, nestled between the two macchiato cups, I look at it. 

'Sam; 001827773131' Is scrawled across it, I tuck it in my pocket quickly. Before daring to look up. 

"Flora?" Harry calls. He looks confused. 

"Hey, sorry emm the starbucks guy offered me help and I needed it so..." I trail off. 

"He was hot" notes down Ellie, earning herself a flick in the ear from where Zayn is sitting with his arms across her shoulders. I see most of the other girls nodding to agree as I bring the drinks over. 

I dump the holders into the middle, and Harry squashes up, pulling me down next to him. I feel his hand slip round my waist and his long fingers explore my thigh for the opening of my pocket. Then I realise what he's trying to do as I grab his wrist as discreetly as possible, I press his hand undermine to the seat of the sofa, not allowing it to move, he is not taking Sams number off of me. No way. 

Suddenly Paul comes over, And he begins saying something.. but stops. 

Everybody follows his gaze and Paige gives a little gasp, accidental of course, I see Niall kick her gently in the leg. 

"Flora.. Harry, a word" I look up and he looks fuming, the veins in his head are standing out. I get up distancing myself from Harry. That's when I notice the crumpled paper in his hands. 

"Harry.. where did you leave the cerificates?" I hiss. He gulps. 

"In.. in the pocket of the jeans I was wearing.. before I got changed" He says, puffing air into his cheeks and blowing it out on my face like he's preparing for the onslaught to come as Paul shuts the door into the empty corridor and lets rip. 

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