Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 39

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Flora p.o.v

(sorry it's ANOTHER Flora one because I planned the chapters wrong, so yeah ignore that, haha, harry will get his normal input next chapter)


Luckily.. and probably due to this being our first house, we dont have too many posessions or cardboard boxes to upack. 

I push an empty box across the floorboards in the living room, flopping down on one of the large leather sofas. 

We've been moving our stuff in since 9am this morning, it's now 9pm, everyone only went an hour and a bit ago, since then we've been unpacking boxes. I sit cross legged in front of our large tv, pressing the button on the remote and making sure the sky box is turned on. 

It springs to life and give a silent whoop of success, scanning the channels and settling on some repeats of f.r.i.e.n.d.s.

I wonder where my jumper might be and if it might be worth trying to find it when I hear footsteps enter the room.

"Ahh you did it" He says as I turn around, he stacks the cardboard box upon another taking them down the hall and through the kitchen, probably stacking them with all the others for recycling. He's back a few seconds later, doing the sofa flop behind me. 

"Feels odd" He says. 

"Huh?" I reply, still concentrated on where im tampering with the TV controls. 

"Well finally being here.. after all the hard work, doesn't seem real" He says. 

"Hard work, bitch please I did it all while you were sunning yourself in L.A for the past week" I chuckle. 

"Woah, I pulled my weight today! Do you know how much effort moving furniture is? Just because you got to dictate to us all about where to put it" He says sassily as I turn around. 

"I'm proud of our house!" I says standing up and heading over to the sofa, where he'as spread out, leaning over him dropping the remotes on his lower stomach, scarily close to his crotch.. 

"Me too, but it's out home, not our house" He says sternly, flicking the TV over to sky sports and pulling me onto his lap where he's now sitting up

Every time a gesture that represents maybe more than friend's happens between us I'm on guard instantly, I know it shouldnt happen if we're gonna make this year work, yet I can't stop myself. Besides if we're living together who said 'house mates with benefits and cute perks' can't work out? 

"Right.. home" I mumble with a smile, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. Shattered from today. 

Suddenly my stomach gives a loud rumble, making Harry laugh. 

"We should make something to eat!" Harry says, wiggling his legs out from under me so I drop onto the sofa as he stands up. 

"Yes... OH wait.." I say, remembering.

"What?" He asks incredulously. 

"We have no food apart from the tea bags, box of krave and milk Lou bought for us" I say. 

"Oh yeah, beautiful big kitchen with never used cutlery, bowls and plates, but no food" He laughs. 

"Megh" I sneer in discontent at my rumbling stomach as I change the TV off of sky sports. 

"You know what this calls for?" He says questioningly. I shrug willing the gnawing pain in my stomach to leave. 

"A dominos, that way we dont even have to unpack the plates!" He says grinning. 

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