Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 49

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Flora p.o.v

I've currently got all the girls round, who seem to be more interested in cooing over Chip rather than talking to me, which is just down right rude. 

Chip is totally attached to me though which means everyone is always cooing around me, everyone whose entered our house since saturday to be exact, it's now Thursday.  

"I just wanna keep him!" says Ellie, stroking his little ears as he rolls over, relishing in the attention. 

"Have him, he's already chewed one of Harry's converse and destroyed two cushions" I grumble, but I can never stay mad at the adorable dog for long. 

"How's the house training going?" Asks Paige. 

"Surprisingly good considering the knack he has for chewing things" I say. 

"Awh you're a good boy aren't you! We just don't like Harry!" Laughs Paige picking him up as he gives frantic attempts to lick her face. 

"Does anyone want more coffee?" I ask before collecting the cups and dissapearing into the kitchen. 

It's not long until I hear Chip start up his excitable yaps, one after the other. It's the unrecognisable alarm of Harry's arrival home, he's done it every day this week. He clatters into the hall his claws making a tapping sound on the wood and the door opens, I put my head around the kitchen door and Harry's scooped him up to silence him. 

"Hey" I say. 

"Evening" He nods with a smile but it doesn't seem quite genuine. He then enters the front room, so I follow down. 

"Sorry if I'm interuppting the party" He laughs picking up the biscuit tin and helping himself as Chip scrambles down and runs up to me. 

"No you're not interuppting anything don't worry" I say. 

"Oh well.. I really need to talk to Flora and it might take a while and then we need dinner and stuff so it might be better if you get going" He says, taking me by surprise.

"Can it not wait?" I ask confused, of course I want to know what it is now, how serious can it be if the girls all need to leave. I shoot him a look and the girls all exchange glances, eyebrows raised. 

"No, Flo it's quite important.." He says, but the look he gives me this time is that of 'you know what i'm talking about'  and that leads me to wrack my brains nervously about what he could need to talk about. 

"Okay.." I say. The girls are already up, eager to get out of the house so they can text for the goss. 

Harry shuts the door with a sigh and I escape to the kitchen to get some water, not without my four legged tag along.

"Flora..." Harry says as I turn around, he walks forward a little so he's within my space. 

"Yep..?" I reply, my knee's shaking slightly. I take a sip of water to calm me down. 

"I saw something today.. well not long ago and now it's everywhere... and... " He trails off looking at the floor. 

"Harry spit it out.. come on!" I say laughing nervously. But he looks deadly serious, he glances down and looks me right in the eye, resting his hand gently upon mine. 

"Flora, it's okay by the way, don't freak out, i'm here for you I just need to know the truth.." He says. 

"What are you on about?!" I say exasperated. 

"Well.. apparently, you're pregnant" He says taking a deep breath. I almost choke on my water. 

"WHAT!?" I say almost hysterically. 

"Flora.. it's okay" He says. 

"What!? So this has got out... how? Why is it more than a stupid rumour?" I ask confused. 

"Well someone close to us has confirmed it.. it has to be someone legitimate or no-one would care, management are trying to get to the route of it and they're gonna contact us a.s.a.p" He says. 

"I'm so confused.." I shake my head. 

"Flora, are you pregnant?" He asks, looking me in the yes again. 

"Jesus christ Harry! No!" I say losing it. 

"Well have you thought you might be at all.. told anyone..?" He asks. 

"No, it hasn't even crossed my mind.. ever in my life in fact" I say matter of factly. 

"Oh.." He says. We're dropped into an awkward silence but his gaze doesn't leave mine. 

"Sure you don't want to test?" He asks, a hint of emotion in his voice. 

"No, I had my period last week didn't I? We're all good" I say chewing on my lip, he nods, and I see him untense a little. 

"Well you know if it ever happened then i'd be th-" I cut him off. 

"I know you would, but it hasn't so chill.. and go stamp out the rumour, please?" I say comfortingly, swapping out hands so mine is ontop of his, I squeeze it gently before walking out of the room. I stop short when I hear is phone ring and he agrees to check his texts. 

"Flora.. wait" He says.

"What?" I ask. 

"Paul just sent me the link to this video on The Daily Mail, they've found who confirmed it" He props his phone up by the fruit bowl and I stand close to him nervously as it loads.

I feel my jaw drop open as I see Isla.. she must be at some kind of red carpet event or something like that, she looks stunning I have to hand it to her, she's wearing a short gold dress and her make-up and hair are perfect. Someone's just asked her a question about Harry and she completely but casually flips it on it's head to awnser how she likes. 

"Oh it's all cool now, we've resolved out differences, and me and Flora are pretty close, she's quite excited about the pregnancy, It's nice to see Harry's moved on and is happy" She says, suddenly she's bombarded with questions about the non-existent 'pregnancy' she awnsers cheerily making up whatever bullshit she feels. 

"Oh My God" Harry says, his voice flat as Isla makes her excuses and struts off, the video clip ending. 

"People have to know she's lying!" I panic. 

"Flora they will! Paul's on it, I'll tell him you're not pregnant, stay calm" He says resting his hand reassuringly on the top of my arm and kissing me gently on the forehead. Suddenly I feel bad. 

"Harry I have to tell you something..." I say as his head snaps up from where he's texting Paul frantically. 

"What...?" He asks softly.

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