Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 5

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Flora p.o.v

I watch from the side of the stage as the boys launch into an almost acapella version of Kiss You, shoving each other about and distracting each other, adding in high notes that they know they can't reach. 

I look out into the audience where I can see the 4 girls on the front row, I know it's the boys opening night but it's also my first night, I'm scared, I know I only have to sit backstage in case anybody needs anything but still.. I cant exactly practice for it. 

I can't help laughing as Liam starts doing 'The Joe' and they all end up in fits of laughter on the floor before the 3rd verse. 

I watch as the choreographer comes on huffily, asking them to do it again with at least some of what has been planned. 

I nod at Josh Devine from where he's tapping absent mindedly at the symbol on his drum kit as the boys get a frank lecture,on messing about. I notice Harry turn around and catch my eye as he rolls his eyes and mouths something along the lines of blah blah, making me laugh a little more than I intended, clapping my hand over my mouth and retreating into the wings. 

Later on into rehearsals the boys have managed to get through their first half and are having an interval break, I walk forward as they collapse on the middle of the stage with apparent 'exhaustion' handing them bottles of water as I've been instructed, Harry sits up to receive his and is about to say something when he gets bundled by Zayn knocking Niall's open bottle of water half way across the stage almost splattering  some electrical equiptment, I scuttle off not eager to be caught in the next lecture, I laugh and as I'm going into the wings Josh and Sandy call me back. 

"Can I get you anything?" I ask raising my eyebrows. 

"No, we just wanted a chat with you" They say, 

"Oh?" I reply slightly questioningly.

"Yeah, we think Harry likes you" Josh says looking at Sandy as he nods too then looks at me.

"What!? no don't be silly, I've known him.. and you at that, one day!" I protest. 

"Why's he looking at you now then?" Questions josh. This statement couldn't be closer to the truth as sure enough Harry's looking this way again. 

"Because he's wondering why we're looking at him!" I say huffily staring at my feet making both Josh and Sandy laugh. 

"What?" I demand

"Well all he spoke about when he got back to the hotel last night was you and your 'romantic walk' he's not as smooth as you think.. and when Harry falls he falls hard" Says Josh.. I can't help paying attention. 

"He hasn't 'fallen' he's probably trying to get over Isla" I hiss as I see him approaching. 

"Think what you like, ask any of the other boys.. or girls, they'd tell you the same" Says Sandy. 

"Ugh, I've got a job to do" I mumble as they grin at me, probably just trying to wind me up as usual. 

I head into the wings as I perch on a speaker box pulling out my phone, I hear footsteps in front of me but don't look up. 

"Would he say he's in L-O-V-E 'cus if it was me then I would, oh I would, would he hold you when you're feeling low, because you should know, that I would" Sings the voice, Harry unmistakeably. 

I look up at his expectant grin, peering down at me. 

"That's Zayn's bit" I point out, probably to his irritation. 

"How do you know that, are you a big fan?" He grins changing tack and making me blush. 

"No! I've been watching you rehearse all afternoon" I cover myself quickly as he grins away. 

"Either way, thanks for the serenade, made my afternoon" I laugh, hopping down off the speaker box, eager not to be alone and feel awkwardly, especially after what Josh and Sandy just told me. 

"Well, you should think about the message being portrayed" He says grinning, I frown. 

"What's that supposed mean?" I ask, having a slight suspicion I might know. 

"What's your friend called again.. Richard? DICK?" Harry says laughing, I roll my eyes, of course that was what it's about. 

"Why do you care?" I mutter getting up. 

"Jack wasn't it?" He asks. 

"Yes, Jack.. Now do you want a coffee or may I leave?" I ask, laughing slightly towards the end of my sentence, seeing as I was getting perhaps a little huffy.

"No.. no coffee, I guess you can go" He winks, and watching me walk off to find the other boys reluctantly.

I head out onto the large stage and and down the steps into the front row of the audience where the girls and now one direction minus Harry are sitting.

"Hey can I get you anything?"  I say coming to a stop, Niall and Paige decide they're gonna go to the cafe in the arena and get something themselves and everyone else is okay. 

"Flora you should come watch the show tonight!" Says Leah. 

"Yes! you so should and then there'd be so much speculation" Laughs Ellie. 

"Guys I dont want speculation.. I'm a runner, and besides during the show it'll be mayhem and I'll be doing just that backstage" I say. 

"Aw.. okay" Says Leah sadly. 

"There'll be other times though.. and I'll see you after" I smile, considering I haven't known everyone long they're making me feel welcome.. in their own ways *cough* Josh and Sandy, I make a mental note to ask the boys whether they're prone to a joke or not. 

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