Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 21

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Flora p.o.v

I'm instantly aware of the pounding in my head as I open my eyes. The morning light coming through the large windows parralell to the bed is blinding as I squint and squeeze them shut again. I'm about to roll over where I've been asleep on my tummy in the soft hotel bed when I realise there's a something touching my back, skin on skin.. 

I realise I've had my head on a chest, not anybodys, Harry's chest and it's bare, as well as mine.. and my torso, and just about everywhere else on both of us. 

"shit" I murmur, idk whether it's because of my headache or the gymnastics my stomach seems to be doing, or because I slept with Harry, while completely shit faced, and I don't.remember.a.thing

I don't know how I'm supposed to get out of this without waking him. The idea of going back to sleep is entirely tempting, Harry's warm arm is draped softly over my back and his breath is on my face, snoring softly, looking pretty dead to the world from what I can see, mind you - my angle isnt the best and my bleary hangover eyesight is still not too good. 

I can't help but wonder if he remembers anything, pretty much the last thing i do remember properly is drinking champagne.. and we were on our own, and then we did shots with the others... that's pretty much the extent of my night. 

I lift my torso off of his experimentally and it makes him stir, I'm holding myself up by putting my arms either side of him and I climb off gently, even that small movement makes my head spin and my breathing quicken, Im lying down, but now he's stirring, as he moves to his side so his body is now pressed against mine again but at a different angle. Arm draped over my hips.. once again. 

"Oh for fucks sake Harry" I grumble, my voice croaky. This makes his eyes flutter open, I clearly said it a little louder than intended, ugh I can't deal with this with a headache. 

I squeeze my practically aching ,eyes shut, probably a little too late due to my now shitty reactions. The next thing I feel is Harry moving. Then his breath on my face and his lips on my neck, leaving soft kisses up onto my cheeks where he stops and I hear his voice.

"Morning, love" He says, it's almost a growl and I open my eyes wearily, all signs of a quick getaway vanished.

To be honest, I don't know what I'm freaking out about, so I had sex with Harry, it's not a bad thing... I just need to tell him it didn't mean anything,and we're just friends.. which is gonna be hard, cus, something like that should mean something to me.  

I open my eyes, and i'm not going to Lie, he looks like a god, the sun is illuminating his tan, making his ocean coloured eyes shine bright.. reminding me of the sea in Aus, and his curls look perfect, probably the opposite from how my hair looks right now. 

"Flora, have you lost your voice from all the kareoke you did last night" He smirks, showing his dimples as he stares down at me, his face close to mine, so close in fact his long fringe is tickling my forehead.

"I didn't.... oh god!" I say, with frustration, making myself feeling infinitely more sick, attempting to push him back a little. 

"You did, what was it? Nicole Scherzinger I think..." He chuckles deeply, his morning voice is so much huskier than I remember. 

"What happened after that... I can't even remember that part" I say, a little distressed at the fact I can't recall it. 

"I don't remember much after either.. we did more shots.. then I remember getting back and carrying you in here bridal style ,cus you like couldnt walk... and then yeah we.. yeah I remember that part" He chuckles again. I roll my eyes instantly wishing I hadnt. 

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