Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 30

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Harry p.o.v

"What if they notice?" Flora gushes, for like the 12th time this morning. 

"They won't notice,  they'll have absolutely no idea, they beleive what we tell them" I reassure her.. also for like the 12th time this morning, I squeeze her hand reassuringly, already holding hands, it's starting to be a normal thing now. 

"But what if I fuck it up, people will hate me more than they already do" She whines. 

"They don't hate you, they're just jealous, now shh or you will give the game away" I say matter of factly.

"Ugh" She moans just as we arrive at the OK magazine offices. Paul has told us everybody was eager for our first ever interview as a couple and OK offered the most for it so here we are. 

"Hey! It's really nice to meet you, I'm Carla, and I'm gonna be interviewing you today, just come upstairs and we'll start getting you ready and stuff" She says, shaking both our hands and hugging us in turn.

We follow her into the lift and she presses the very top floor. 

"We've got a really exiting idea for your shoot, should be alot of fun" She says was it pings past the various floors. 

"Oh,really,what is it?" I question, Flora's just keeping silent, I wish she'd look less tense and nervous around me, people will thing I'm abusing her or something. 

"It's going to be James Bond themed, and we're going to be on the roof!" She says rubbing her hands together exitedly. Flora looks at me, she actually does look terrified, I however am used to this sort of thing.

"But it's covered in snow?" I ask. 

"Even better... more dangerous!" She beams at me as the lift pings and opens onto what I'm guessing is the topmost floor as there is doors open on the far side and a stair case leading up with people going up and down it every few seconds. 

"Not how I wouldve put it" Flora mumbles as Carla calls across the room. 

"I've got them!" She says as most of the heads turn our way, the photographer and shoot director - a man called Mark, come over. We greet them too. 

"We're so glad we got the interview with you two, there was hot competition, talk of the town" Laughs Mark. 

"That's what we like to hear" I laugh, poking Flora in the rib to try make her react, she just flashes a cute little smile and goes back to surveying the room. 

"Anyway, I'm sure you've heard about our plans, I know it's cold but you'll be so busy you'll forget about it! beauty is pain, right?" He laughs looking at Flora, luckily before she has a chance to react another girl comes over. 

"Hey, Laura says we need to get them into hair and make-up quickly if we wanna stay on track with the schedule" She says. 

"Okay, well you take Flora next door, and I'll take Harry to Jim, then we've got an hour before we're on the roof" He says with a nod. 

"I'll see you in a bit" I squeeze Flora's shoulders quickly before letting go and following Mark, I feel a bit mean letting her go it alone, but she really needs to learn if we're gonna do this, I know it must be difficult.. because I'm media trained, and she's not.. not at all, she doesn't even have showbiz experience. 

"Quiet isn't she" He notes. 

"Oh that's what you think" I chuckle as he leads me into hair and make-up first and I'm sat on a chair , the hairdresser starts asking me questions as she does my hair in the normal style, just making it look a little more groomed as always,because I'm a get up and go kind of lad. 

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