Diary Of a Tour Girl - Chapter 8

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Harry p.o.v

As soon as we emerge from the doors at stockholm airport, not even security is prepared for the crush, it obviously got out we were flying in from Paris today and well they turned out in force. I'm squished against a tall bodyguard although this is common procedure. 

I suddenly realise I haven't kept an eye on Flora like I told myself I was going too.. she's coming out the front way too but not with me and the boys and the other girls.. but with the rest of our team at the back, which I suppose makes sense. I can't even see over the security and then if I could there are a sea of fans and Flora being the height she is will probably blend in. 

I look out for her grey coloured London Loves L.A sweater and as mean as this might sound her hair.. it is quite distinctive after all. 

I fail to find it but I can just see Tom Atkin a little behind us so I'm guessing she's around there somewhere. 

I'm almost out of the doors when I hear someone shout something to her friend. 

"Look at her shoes!?" My head whips round as I see people start to look and shout at each other but I'm shoved out of the door into the cold evening air into a courtyard where the cars are waiting, and fans are pushed back as everybody who is meant to gets through and the heavy doors are slammed shut as screams die down. 

I see Flora looking bewildered as the security guards clear away, and go to open the car doors. 

"Flora!?" I call rushing over to her. 

"Why did you post that picture!?" She says with exasperation. 

"I'm sorry.. I didnt think about the fact they would notice your shoes" I mumble with genuine sorrow. As I look at her. 

"It's fine! I just really don't want to be in trouble already" She says looking down and also looking like she's going to cry. 

"Flo, don't worry about it, if Paul says anything you were asleep and you had no idea?" I say gently, as she looks down biting her lip, I fight the urge to put my hand on her cheek and it would be so easy to lean down.. and just... 

"Hurry the fuck up!" Louis shouts from the car. Flora almost jumps back from me as she rushes back to the car and I flag behind climbing in and shutting the door. 

Flora sits staring out of the window for the whole journey and is the first to leap out and go collect her hotel room key. I head to my room which on the posh hotel room scale is pretty damn high, it's different from the one we usually go to when we're in Stockholm.. nicer in fact. 

I abandon my suitcase by the door and chuck my bag and jacket on the bed, the room is toasty warm, I jump onto it closing my eyes, wondering what to do with my night off, I dont feel like going for a drink although it's Louis' new tradition, for me I think it's highly dependant if Flora's going. 

I put the TV on and check my phone.. nothing from Flora.. and I dont even know which room she's in, but there is something from Louis. 

"Meet us in the lobby at 8 broooo" I send him a quick reply excusing myself and my phone pings so soon after im sure it must be someone else but it's just Louis. 

"Bitch please!? We're already one man..woman down!!!" It reads.. I reply with interest;

"whom would that be..?" I text casually. 

"Flora! you're boring anyway, we didnt even want you to come, P.S when we get back later I'm gonna bang on your door really loud and then on your wall and wake you and Flora up where you've lured her into your bed...muahahahaahahhaha"  I read it with raised eyebrows, he's probably already drinking. 

"Weirdo" I mumble, sending him a text saying "wanker" and dumping my phone on the bed too. 

Atleast I might be able to see Flora this evening.. maybe... and if she just so happens to stumble into my bed it wouldnt be so bad.. would it? 

My phone bleeps and I decide to check .. even though it's probably just Louis again.. but just incase, to my only half dissapointment it's mum. 

"Whose are the shoes eh Harry? ;) Love Mum xx" I chuckle, she's so cute.. I mean clearly I know the text is from her. 

"Yes mum I'm great and the tour is going fabulously thanks for asking ;) haha.. emm just a friend.." I reply sadly... we're not even dating, nowhere bloody near, which means I can't say anything to mum, she's probably exited because the majority of girls I like are rumours.. so info from the number one source is a big deal. 

"Oh.. Harry it's not Isla again is it, I thought things were over.... xx" She replies, I can't reply quick enough. Mum never liked Isla. Even when I did. 

"No! most definitely not... we're over.. and I'm over her, anyway as if she'd ever wear anything other than heels. xx" I say. 

"Oh Okay, good! I'll leave it to you then.. go have fun! call me tommorow! me and Robin are off out for dinner, Love You Harry xxxx" She says, I smile. 

"Love you too mother, have a nice time. xxxx" I reply, putting my phone on the bed and going into the equally posh bathroom to have a hot shower, showers are the best after a flight.

I let the jets soak me completely, breathing a sigh of releif, I sing absent mindedly to myself.. I am a massive shower singer.. and I mean I do it as a job, so why not in the shower.

Then I hear banging on the door, I sigh turning the shower off as the knocking persists. Probably just Louis coming to bully me into going out.

"I'm coming!" I call loudly as the knocking stops, grabbing a fluffy white towel off the rail and wrapping it around my waist, water still dripping off my hair and down my torso. I open the door and there stands Flora.

"Woah... Harry.. Hey I emm... everyone's out and Paul said.. I..." She trails off looking behind her as if for back up then at the floor as her cheeks flame near to the colour of her hair.

"Sorry, you were a little persistent.. so I had to rush" I shrug, pulling her quickly inside the doorway and shutting the door. 

"Right.. well yeah Paul says I need to see if you want anything and tell you be ready for 9 for vocal rehearsals tommorow"  She says keeping her eyes locked on my face with intensity,frowning slightly.. 

"Brilliant.. well I want you to stay here for a little bit.. with me, maybe?" I ask cheekily, letting my eyes wonder down her body in the hope she'll do the same to me. I look back up and her cheeks are still rosy but I admire her will power as she's still looking up at me even though she's chest height anyway. 

"But well.. yeah for a bit...because I hare early mornings and yeah.. early night" She mumbles looking at her feet again. 

"Fine... well I'll put some clothes on" I say running my fingers up and down my stomach absent mindedly. But it draws her eyes downwards making her colour up again. 

"I'll... Just face the other way then.." She mumbles turning round to face the big window and covering her eyes. As I find a pair of trackies and a t-shirt I look at her reflection to see if she's peeking, not even a chance, shame. 

"Done" I call pulling a top on as she turns around. 

"On second thoughts.. maybe I shouldn't be in here I mean.. I'm still working..." She mumbles. 

"Flo.. is this about the picture.. and people knowing it's you because that's irrelevant, if we know we're just friends then who cares?" I say shrugging but hoping the message got through. 

"Yeah.. I guess" She says looking at me wearily, a hint of worry in her eyes. 

"Just chill out Flo, you'll get used to shit like this if you stick with me" I say stepping forward and touching her arm comfortingly, tugging her arm gently to come and sit with me on the bed as I hand her the TV remote. 

"Will dinner on room service make you feel any better?" I laugh picking up the phone, she nods smiling.

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