Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 19

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Flora p.o.v 

"Fucking love theme parks" Louis explains, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet like a little kid as we queue for a rollercoaster that's atleast 100 ft tall. 

Harry looks at me, and I look back, neither of us really wanna get on to be honest, but Harry wouldn't back down for fear of being branded a pussy, an that of course means I have to come along with him. 

We're in our last destination of the tour, Las Vegas. 

I know a theme park seems to be an odd place to go in the winter ,and I can tell you the 9 degrees centigrade it is here is a chilly shock to what it was like in australia just a couple of days ago. 

I'm not a big fan of life and death situations, I feel like saying, but I keep my mouth shut as we get closer to the barrier to board the rollercoaster. 

I mean, being in the water with dolphins and getting on a rollercoaster are hardly life or death situations, but they easily could be.. right? 

"Ready?" Harry asks, raising his eyebrows at me with a grin, making the dimples stand out in his rosey cheeks. 

"Hm not likely, putting me in danger again aren't you" I mumble, smiling to myself as he puts two fingers under my chin tilting it upwards to look him in the eyes. 

"Makes life oh so much more fun" He says looking at me intently. 

"Not for me!" I say, lifting my head away from his hand, and nudging him impatiently just before the big neck harness things are lowered over our shoulders, I cant really see harry over mine, but I feel his hand on mine and I can hear Ellie and Zayn talking on my other side. 

I can also hear Louis whooping from behind us. 

"Are your eyes closed, Zayn?" I hear Harry shout, over the clank of people getting on and the voices eminating from everywhere. 

"Oh shutup" Zayn calls back. 

Harry starts to shout something back, but it's dragged off and smothered by the wind as we zoom off. But as the incline begins and we get higher it slows until we're right on point at the top, my breath is suddenly swept away from me as we shoot down the practically vertical drop, I let out a scream that's stolen away by the wind. 

I think it barely lasts 20 seconds but by the end I have a massive headrush. we arrive back at the start and get off as we all stumble back out onto the hard ground outside the main gates of the ride. I attempt to pat down my hair where it's probably gone crazy. 

I let a giggle escape as I see Harry flicking his hair incessantly as his side sweep has gone out of place.

"Loser" I mumble.

"hm?" He says.

"Nothing" I say innocently.  

I lean against the small fence surrounding a ride as I process the dizzy feeling. 

"You're looking a little green, Flora" Harry says, sounding quit amused. 

"I blame you, for dragging me on there" I say laughing and placing a hand on my temples. 

"Aw come on, lets go get food" He laughs gesturing at me to take his hand, I take it but only as a quick aid to help me up from where I'm leaning on the fence. I drop it once im fully up, no sooner have I done this when some fans approach. 

I back awkwardly away from Harry. As the girls come over. 

"Oh my god! Harry!" They trill, as if they cant quite beleive it's him, luckily they dont even notice me as I stare at the floor. 

"Can I have a photo" I hear asked over and over again, as Harry obliges with a winning grin. My head snaps up as I hear someone say my name. 

"You're Flora right!?" Asks a girl who must be about 13, taller than me though, with long brown hair and tanned skin, her friends stand with her, waiting on my awnser. 

"Right!" I say, smiling widely, probably seeming alot more sure about the whole situation than I am.   

"Is it fun working with One Direction!?" Her friend asks. 

"Yeah.. yeah it's great" I say, Harry turns round as he hears me speak a little louder, I avoid eye contact though, that's exactly what the fans want, us looking at each other like total saps. 

"Aw I love your accent!" One girl exclaims. 

"Aha thanks" I laugh nervously, scuffing my foot on the floor. Soon Harry excuses himself and comes and stands next to me.

"Ready to go?" He asks. Closer to me than I would have liked. I nod. 

"Guys we're gonna get going! Go meet the others, see you around, yeah?" He says. 

"Yeah! Thankyou" they all nod collectively and they disperse, as do we in an opposite direction. 

"See, not that bad are they, they dont hate you!" He says. 

"Yeah because we're not dating!" I say. 

"As of yet..." He says. 

"Oh shhh" I mumble. We find, Paige and Niall getting food, hardly surprising really, as we eat nausea suddenly comes over me and I rest my head on the table. 

"You okay?" Harry asks. I sit up quickly. 

"Yeah I'm fine" I say. 

"Jetlagged?" He questions. I nod, I'm definitely not used to all the travelling. 

"Hmmm, we should get back so you can have a nap before we go out, heavy night tonight" He laughs. 

"But I'm not 21! neither are you at that...." I protest even though Las Vegas seems like an amazing place to party. 

"Oh please, Flo we can get in anywhere, easy peasy, that's not the problem, the problem is how wrecked you're gonna be!" He chuckles.

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