Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 3

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Flora p.o.v

I follow Paul to my hotel room as he hands me the key. 

"You can have about an hour to chill out a bit, but then you need to go see if the boys want anything and after that you have the evening off but meet us in the lobby to come to rehearsals at 8am tommorow, their rooms are numbers 72,73,74,75, and 76.. which makes you 77, enjoy your evening!" He says as he strides off down the hall and into the lift. 

I unlock the door dragging my suitcase behind me, I'm tempted to have a nap but I don't wanna be late in case I miss my hour mark where I need to go see if the boys are okay, I know we haven't flown far but I feel jet lagged, I'm really not used to it and despite what people say.. travelling is tiring.

I'm almost in awe as I survey the room, I suppose this is a 5 star hotel.. and it definitely shows, the most amazing thing is I don't have to pay for it and I also get paid a fair amount each week which isn't too bad going for a 16 year old.. 

I leave my suitcase by the door as I step forward, I open the bathroom door on my way past,revealing an amazing cream marble suite and a jacuzzi bath.. I shut it quietly as I walk further,letting my hand sweep over the corner of the massive bed with cream sheets and about 9 pillows big enough for three people to sleep side by side with room to spare. 

there's a 40"inch TV on the wall opposite the bed and a sofa under that, there's bedside tables and a walk-in closet with big mirrors, the best part by far is the view, the huge floor to ceiling window reveals a view of The Eiffel Tower, perfectly lit up, I pull out my phone to take a picture to post on instagram. 

I know I have to be careful though.. I've only told my closest friends where I'm gonna be for the next few weeks, so if it gets out on twitter there'll be chaos.

I flop down on the huge bed as I post it, looking up at the ceiling which is indented with lots of little LED lights, I check the time, it's 5:35pm.. so I have until half 6, I don't even know how I'm gonna last that long without getting restless and bored. 

Something suddenly strikes me, what am I gonna do when I'm not working..? Because obviously the boys aren't going to want me hanging around.. hopefully I won't get too lonely... 

I put on the TV and luckily there are english channels, I put it onto E4 and try and watch a bit of How I Met Your Mother just because it feels normal. I drag my suitcase up onto the bed pulling out my little MacBook air and switching it on, connecting to the free Wifi. 

It feels so weird not to be able to tell my followers what I'm up to.. 

I scroll my timeline a little.. not alot going on to be honest, I start to unpack a little, putting my stuff in the bathroom but I can't help a slight lonely feeling creeping up on me. 

The clock eventually ticks around to 20 past 6 and I just can't sit around any longer.. it's not like it will make a difference to the boys. 

I check my hair, spray some deoderant just in case and make my way down the hall, or rather next door to number 76.. I knock lightly twice.. no awnser, I listen closely to see if I can hear anything, nothing.. I move onto number 75 and knock twice as I did before.. I'm about to knock again when the door swings open and I nearly fall through the threshold. 

A girl with long blonde hair awnsers.. so this is definitely Paige and Niall's room.

"Hey! come in" She says revealing a pretty smile. Not even giving me a chance to explain myself. 

"Oh okay..." I say nervously, as I go into the room, their's is even grander than mine, which is mad because mines luxury in itself. 

"Boys your runner girl is here" She laughs leading me through to where there's like a living room and they're all gathered round. 

I'm greeted with friendly smiles as I stand awkwardly. I look at Harry and blush instantly, I literally can't help myself.. he insisted on coming to get coffee with me and attempting to talk to me on the plane and I couldn't even maintain a conversation, and he get grinning and calling me cute and I just melted.

"Hey.. Paul sent me to see if any of you want anything before I finish for tonight.." I say biting my lip as I watch them. 

"Perfect!" Harry says. 

"Oh right? what were you after then?" I laugh. 

"Nothing.. we're going to dinner in oh about an hour.. so if you've got the evening off, you can come with us!" He says. 

"Yeah! Good idea!" Says Bobby, Liam nods along with her and soon everyone's heckling me to come..

"Oh..erm Im not allowed am I?" I say nervously, scuffing my foot on the carpet. 

"Yes! we don't start work until tommorow.. so neither do you" Says Louis, the others nod in agreement.

"Well in that case.. I'd love to come" I smile. 

"Brilliant, we'll meet in the corridor in an hour then? no need for security, no-one's even cottoned on we're here yet"  Says Louis. Everybody starts to get up and we all file out apart from Niall and Paige obviously, as everybudy filters back to their rooms Harry touches me lightly on the arm. 

"Yes?" I ask turning around with a bolder smile than I anticipated as he leans casually against the corridor wall looking perfect as per. 

"Erm which room are you in?" He asks. 

"77, you?" I ask. 

"Aw 72, so far away" He laughs pulling a mock sad face. 

"err.. yeah I'll see you in an hour then?" I ask. 

"Sure, I'll knock for you" He winks, I roll my eyes. 

"Fine, buh-bye" I giggle turning on my heel. 

"Bye Flo" He ruffles my hair as he strolls off. 

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