Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 41

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Flora p.o.v 

"Flora, you can have an hour lunch break now if you want?" My boss.. or rather the woman whose been showing me the ropes today taps me on the shoulder. 

"Oh okay sure" I smile getting up. 

"Are you all good with what you have to do, just let me know when you're done but you've got the rest of this week before the deadline so don't rush yourself at all" She says. 

"Yeah it's going well, thankyou" I say.

"Great don't hesitate to ask me if you need help" She smiles then walks off as I pull on my jacket and pick my bag up. Checking my phone to find texts from Harry, I haven't checked it since I left this morning and it's now 1pm. I'm glad I've been distracted to be honest.. because we left on a slightly awkward note this morning, I felt awkward anyways. 

'How is it going flozzza?xx' I read, laughing to myself as I exit the building using my snazzy little pass with my name on it. 

'Good actually :))) xx' I reply putting my phone away needing to focus on where I'm going. I find the starbucks that's just down the road and step into the lunchtime rush, still greatful for the toasty heat and welcoming coffee smell that cafe's always offer. 

I queue impatiently, just ordering a latte and a chocolate muffin. I survey the room, amd spot a little table with two arm chairs by the window, deciding to nab it before someone else does. 

I slide into the soft chair, surveying the busy street as I hold my coffee cup in both my hands, just trying to warm them up before I get my phone out. 

I go on twitter on auto pilot, toying with the idea of tweeting, I know if I do it's not very nice to tweet and leave so I'll have to do some replies and follow people and endure some hate. I feel sort of wary about the power all these followers give me, it's weird because they're just Harry's fans, they barely know me so god knows why they want to follow me. 

I scroll through my mentions, seeing alot of people wishing me luck today. That's something else that confuses me, they always always know what I'm doing.. I mean fair enough if it's what me and Harry are doing together but just me singularly is quite odd. 

I reply a 'Thankyou, it's going great! :)' to someone which brings on a whole new onslaught of tweets and quite alot of them are also about our house. I rest my phone on the table, looking out the window again, taking a sip of the only just cool enough to drink coffee and letting it warm my belly. I can't even be bothered to reply to my texts, just content with people watching, wondering where all the smart suited buisness men are off to. 

I suddenly hear a voice behind me, a fammiliar one at that. 

"Flora...?" I turn around to see a tall figure, dark hair,long on top, shaved at the sides, a red Ralph Lauren polo clinging to his chest. 

"Jack!" I say the surprising creeping into my voice acciedentally, I havent spoken to him since he was a wanker to me and I hit my head on the cupboard. 

"Can I sit here...?" He asks, gesturing to the empty seat opposite me and the full tables elsewhere. 

"Sure" I say pretending to look at my phone's blank screen. 

"So how's the new job?" He asks. 

"Oh... it's good, how'd you know?" I ask, confused, getting accidentally caught in his Hazel gaze. 

"Saw it on twitter, your followers are impressive, a shoutout wouldn't go amiss" He chuckles, My eyes flicker to his take-away cup, prooving that if he hadn't of seen me he would've gone. 

"Sure" I laugh dryly, giving him a quick awkward smile before staring down at my muffin like it's the most fascinating thing ever. I find myself desperate for someone else I know to walk in and rescue me.. or for Harry to come and tell Jack to get the fuck out of his seat. 

"You know that just because you're married, doesn't mean we can't be friends, Flo" He says, trying to get my eye contact again, this time I give it to him but my look is cold, annoyed at his use of my nickname. 

"We could have been, until you were a dick to me" Obviously reffering to how he called me frigid that night, but my grudge secretly deepening to the lies of how much he liked me.. and clearly didn't. 

"Flora, don't be like that, I was just angry" He says, his eyes pleading. I always was one to soften at the puppy dog eyes. 

"Sure, we can be friends then" I shrug, to get him off my back momentarily. Just as my phone buzzes from the table and both our looks move down to it where Harry's name comes up. 

"How is the hubby then?" He says, changing the subject, he seems friendly about it but there's a hint of sarcasm. 

"Oh.. he's good" I shrug, thinking about how superior Harry actually is to Jack, Jack is incredibly imature, not that Harry can't be.. it's just putting them both in comparison, my position could be worse. Besides Harry wouldnt mess with my feelings the way Jack did. 

Thinking about it gets me all annoyed again. 

"Good, seriously Flora I still like you" He says, looking at me, his chocolate eyes holding my eye contact I want to break my head away but his hand slips across the table onto mine.

"Jack! You can't still like me" I say raising my voice above what it should be, pulling my hand away. 

"Well what else can I say... You know I did, thought you liked me too..." He trails off his eyes flicking to my ringed fingers. 

"Exactly, I'm married, look you hardly tried your best to put the message across" I roll my eyes huffily, trying to finish my drink quickly. 

"I know, I was upset about you going... I was scared he's gonna make a move on you, I regret doing it" He says looking down at his lap. What the fuck does he know about regret. 

"Stop bullshitting me, you were drunk" I say. 

"Yeah but sober enough to feel awful right after" He says. 

"Not guilty enough to untag the photo?" I say patronisingly. 

"I did, but you wouldn't know 'cus you deleted me on facebook" He says. 

"Jack I need to go, I don't have time for this" I say checking my phone and seeing I have 20 minutes still but I can go for a walk or get back early. I get up shrugging my jacket on quickly, he catches my hand. 

"Flora, I'm sorry okay? we all make mistakes" He says, then he lets my hand drop.  

"Text me later?" He calls loudly and I dart out the door, terrified in case anybody has seen us. What he said about people making mistakes... I should identify with that most of all... 

My phone rings this time and I awnser it to the sound of Harry's reassuring voice, asking how things are going. 

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