Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 43

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Flora p.o.v

I switch position, avoiding lying on my stomach as I curl up on my side instead. Attempting to go back to reading my book but soon getting uncomfortable and restless again. I sprawl out on my back, abandoning the book, greatful for the soft cushioning the window seat provides. 

It's a cloudy Saturday afternoon and the sky is just darkening, I can see it's powdery colour through the window, I stare at the view, fixated. The attic.. and whole house is silent. Eerily so. 

Harry's at a meeting but is due back any time soon, I've been here all day, dealing with a particularly painful period and hiding. I was going to have people over but to be honest I'd rather not do human interaction. 

I close my eyes for a second or two, curling up again and listening to the sound of the heating and the general creeks of this old house. Suddenly a large drop of rain splatters on the window, making my eyes snap open as I watch more fat drops fall onto the glass. I sit up, moving  over to the window, snuggling down in all the cushions and closing my eyes again, listening to the rhythm of the rain which is thankfully covering the silent house creeks.

I reach for my hot water bottle but to my utter disgust it's cold. I mutter a noise of discontent and close my eyes for good this time. The next time I wake up it's because of my stomach, cant be much later but it's very close to dark. 

I grit my teeth trying not to make a noise and knowing im gonna need to venture dowstairs for more painkillers,  when I hear a voice ring out. 

"FLORA! I'M HOME" It travels through the open door, I sigh, glad not to be on my own anymore but going to the effort of shouting back seems impossible. 

"BABE!" I hear him again as his voice gets louder, climbing the flights of stairs. I groan as I sit up, taking a deep breath. 

He pokes his head around the door, seeing me and stepping in. 

"Hey,love, how was your day?" He asks, coming over to sit on the window seat with me. 

"Not bad,you?" I mumble, looking down, I'm wearing leggings and an old grey sweater, aswell as that I havent got any make-up on and my hairs just pulled into a ponytail. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. 

"Nothing" I say biting my lip, trying to ignore how much my stomach is twisting. 

"Such a bad liar, do you want me to make you a coffee?" He asks, taking my hand and playing with my fingers gently. I nod, giving him a weak smile. He gives my hand a squeeze before getting up and walking out of the room quickly, his feet fast on the stairs. 

I crawl across the seat to the window and put the blind down. I get up, dimming the main light down a little, making the light it's shedding cosy and not too bright. I turn the TV on too for a bit of background noise. Relaxing back onto the cushions, tucking my knee's under my chin. 

Harry comes back soon, squashing up next to me as he passes me the steaming drink. I take it greatfully,   using him for extra comfort as I put my legs into his lap. 

"You better perk up Flo, we're going out tonight" He says, looking down at me.

"What.. Harry! Where!?" I whine.

"To that party! I did tell you Flora... I thought you'd remember, I'm sorry" He says with a hint of exasperation. I chew my lip, desperate not to burst into tears just at this.

"I didn't! Are you sure you told me?" I ask, honestly not remembering it.

"Yes! I DID! We need to go, it's gonna be full of paps and stuff, Paul told me we need to!" He says almost angrily.

"We're not fucking Wills and Kate,  Can we just leave it for tonight!?" I say, unexpected tears creeping up on me. I get up out of his arms, despite really not wanting to move, walking out and going down the stairs. I end up in the front room. Curled up on the sofa, my head buried in a cushion as I let tears fall freely. I'm not even sure what i'm making a fuss about. 

"Flora, I'm sorry" I hear Harry come into the room. 

"Can you just leave me alone for a bit, please" I say not even looking up, my voice probably muffled. I hear him sigh heavily and pad out of the room. I roll over onto my back once I'm sure he's gone, staring at the ceiling and rubbing my damp face. 

I feel a little bad now i've put things into perspective, it was my fault for forgetting. 

I drag myself off the sofa, walking slowly into the kitchen where Harry is at the dining table on his laptop. 

"Haz, I didn't mean to get angry.." I say, looking at him as he looks up, his expression softening a little as he takes in my appearance. 

"It's okay, like you said, it's optional, we don't have to go, I just thought it might be nice" He shrugs, stretching his arms out and pulling me onto his lap, I tuck my legs up, resting my head on his chest as wraps his arm around me. 

"I really, really dont feel like it" I mumble as he reaches around me, tapping at his laptop keys. He breaks off again. 

"Why?" He asks. 

"I feel like shit" I say in a moany tone of voice. 

"You could've said when I said about going out rather than flaring up and having a bitch fit at me" He chuckles.

"Sorry..." I say quietly.

"Have you taken medicine?" He asks.

"Yep, I've been drugged up all day" I say, sliding off his lap and onto the chair next to him. 

"What do we do instead tonight? What do you suggest?" He asks. 

"I don't know" I shrug, not willing to put the effort in. 

"I know!" He says, typing on his laptop again. I look at him incredulously as he speaks again. 

"let hash tag ask Harry and Flo commence!" He laughs.

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