Diary Of A Tour Girl - Chapter 6

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Harry p.o.v

I finish the last few c'mons of c'mon c'mon  as the lights black out and I take off into the wings, sweaty and out of breath, followed by Liam and Lou as Niall and Zayna are in front of me, we have approximately 50 seconds to change and be ready to run back on for the next section. 

Someone takes my microphone and to my suprise no-one comes to start helping me get changed, I frown and look at where our stylist Caroline is doing Zayn's shirt buttons up and a hair dresser is making his quiff stay upright. 

"Flora! do Harry!" Shouts Caroline over her shoulder as a bemused Flora looks up from where she's untangling some wires she's been given. 

"Yeah do me" I mutter under my breath. 

"Oh okay!?" She says to Caroline, half cheerily, but throwing me a "help me" look ,as Caroline hands her the hanger with the black jeans and checked shirt I have to wear for the next part of the show. I laugh to myself as I realise she has no choice to protest as it's her job to do what she's told and we're on in 30 seconds. 

She rushes forward and starts unbuttoning my white shirt to reveal my torso, I know for a fact I'm really hot and sweaty as her soft hands brush my skin. I grin at her as she looks up and looks down again fumbling with the buttons. I can't help enjoying the moment , shame it's not for the reason I'd imagine though. 

I always feel a bit mean for not helping dress myself like I'm an invalid or something but usually they know what they're doing. I pull on my shirt and wink at her as she looks up while doing the buttons quicker this time. 

I kick off my supra's as she pulls the jeans off the hanger and looks at me expectantly, I know I can't be that mean and undo the button of my chino's myself, she sighs in releif as I shake them off and she hands me the jeans I pull them on and do them up quickly. As she stands there blushing.. and looking around awkwardly I mean I'm more than happy for her to do my quick changes.. I could do hers if she wanted.. 

"Go Harry!" She mumbles, giving me a little shove in the chest as I realise I'm fixated on her, I grab my microphone from her outstretched hand pushing my ear plug into my ears, as I run on to deafening screams. Flora is going to strip me off 3 times every show for the next 3 weeks. Not too shabby. 


I flop down on one of the sofa's in our dressing room, we always have to hang about here until fans realise we can't come out and clear away. I undo my shirt buttons putting my feet up, as I finish the last of the water Flora handed me at the interval before she stripped me. 

The others flop down too, eagerly waiting the arrival of the girls, Flora's probably awol. Just then she knocks and puts her head round the door.

"Err I have towels.. for emm sweat" She says chucking them to us, she doesn't even look at me as she slings mine in my direction. 

"I also need to take your outfits too.. so I'll wait outside and gimmie a shout when you're done" She says. 

"Flora wait.. you can have mine now" I say pulling my shirt off where the front is already undone then sliding out of my jeans as I give them to her, naked apart from my Tommy Hilfiger boxers. 

"Oh.. err thanks Harry" She says biting her lip and looking me right in the eyes ,clearly trying to avoid looking downwards,as she backs out the door.

"Harry you're a crazy cunt, I know she had to strip you off earlier but don't make it awkward for her, you'll get arrested for flashing" Laughs Niall as I pull on a pair of Abercrombie trackies. 

"Yeah and besides a little birdy told me she didn't seem very interested" Says Louis. 

"What? Did they talk to her?" I ask. 

"Yeah.. and you've known her about two days, slow down a bit, I know you like her but you and Isla.. well..." Starts Liam.

"Don't talk about her!" I say with exasperation. 

"Fine, but stop trying to get in Flora's pants, give her a minute to get used to things, you don't want her getting hate and things" Says Zayn. 

"Alright.. alright sorry, I'm out of practice at this" I mumble. As Liam puts his head around the door to call Flora back in to get the stuff. 

Soon our little dressing room is crowded with the girls too, I join in conversation politely, wondering whether the fact I need a drink is a valid excuse for going to find Flora, I eventually decide it is, pulling on a white t-shirt as I go, I find her still in the wings, helping Lou pack away her stuff. 

"Hey.. we were talking about car shares and I was wondering if you'd come in the car with me back to the hotel tonight.. we like to mix it up" I grin. 

"Sure" She says casually, making me grit my teeth, how can she act so cool but seem so innocent and cute at the same time. 

"Great.. well I'll see you out back once you've finished up" I nod awkwardly, and she flashes me a perfect little smile back, which makes me smile as I walk away. 

"Oooh car shares!" mumbles Josh under his breath laughing. 

"Oh piss off" I say grouchily. 

We're soon back at the hotel, and I manage to get in the same lift as Flora, she's been fairly chatty all the way home but it's like she's avoiding getting any closer to me.. I know I haven't left it long but.. she grins at me in the mirrors and I pull a face making her laugh. 

"Come and have a drink in my room?" I ask in a low voice in case anyone over hears and decides to rip me for it, as we reach her hotel room door 

"I'm sorry, I can't, I have to pack.. flying tommorow aren't we" She says with a smile, looking up at me with genuinely apology in her big green eyes.

"Ah.. well okay..text me?"  I ask pulling a black sharpie out of my pocket, and taking her small freckled wrist, inking the digits '07928881313' on it before she can protest. She looks up at me with a giggle. 

"Fine, night Harry" She says sweetly letting me pull her into a hug before sticking the key into her hotel room door and twisting it a few times opening the door stepping through quickly and shutting it, leaving me standing there gawping slightly, I manage to get into my room and flick the TV on when my phone buzzes from my bed, lighting up. 

'Guess who? xx'  

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